Cobalt 5

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We’re going by our TAC names for the duration of this contract. [...] If you break it, it's on your ass. You know how bounty hunters are if they have a name. Dismissed.
This article's name is a callsign, a codename, an occupation, or a nickname. There is no known real name for the subject.
Any changes to the article's title should reflect consensus.

"This is Cobalt 5, vectoring in hot, mercs are right on us!"
― Cobalt 5 chased down[1]

Cobalt 5 is a member of Federation Air Force fighter squadron Cobalt.


Cobalt 5 scrambled for the massive furball on April 17, AC 432 during the Cascadian Conflict's Showdown over the Bering Strait. When the battle was lost, he and what few other Federation survivors retreated across the international dateline.

However, Cascadian Independence Force mercenaries seeking more blood to spill for their individual reasons decided to pursue them, effectively continuing combat. In the end, only a dozen survivors were confirmed including Cobalt 5, all saved by Air Reserve Division K-9.[1]
