Mission Telmort-00-Exil

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This article is about an in-universe event. For the in-game mission, see Faust (mission).

Telmort-00-Exil was a mission ordered by Crystal Kingdom itself to hunt down and eliminate Faust and her Fleet before she destroys Base Station Zero, the last geothermal facility in Magadan. If she were to succeed, the Federation would suffer greatly and could unleash Calamity once more.


After the Cascadian Independence Force were forced out of Magadan, the Pacific Federation begin transferring it's now replenished armed forces back into Cascadia proper. While most of the reservists were recalled for deactivation, Crystal Kingdom issued an order for the reservists of Division E Unit 6 to defend Base Station Zero after the rebels razed the other geothermal facilities during their offensive and Division K Unit 9 to remain on alert for the now rouge Faust, any remaining mercenaries and her Cascadian White Fleet.

Two days after the rebels were routed out of Magadan, K-9 was alerted by Vita that Faust was spotted offshore and approaching Base Station Zero in the Arctic Circle. K-9 then began on their final mission before being deactivated. At the same time, Crystal Kingdom began to formulate a plan with major consequences in attempt to terrorize the rebels into surrendering.


Upon arriving they first met several Mercenary squadrons attacking the facility's infrastructure. At the station, E-6 begins defensive measure to ward off the mercenaries while the civilian engineers attempting to fix any damages done to the station as well as dumping as much neutralizer agents into the Ring of Fire, with one engineer stating if doing so it will 'balloon pressure somewhere else.' K-9 makes quick work of the mercenaries and just in time for Faust and the Cascadian White Fleet to make their final stand.

K-9, along with E-6, begin chipping away at the White Fleet, first downing the escorting Anura-class air cruisers before focusing on the flagship, the CDV Roosevelt, which was attempting to reach bombardment range of the station. As the battle rages above and the Roosevelt began taking damage, Orion Squadron, newly baptized believers of Faust, entered the fray in defense of the mighty airship.

As more damage amounts on the Roosevelt and with crew reports at least 70% casualty on all decks and the first half of Orion shot down by the air reservists, two Arcion-class air heavy cruisers and the remaining half of Orion Squadron arrive for Faust's cause. The Roosevelt begins to fall apart, with E-6 noting collateral debris falling all around. The crew on board the airship became desperate as more of their systems and weapons began to fail, with several using their sidearm to shoot at the reservist's aircraft. As the reinforcements are picked off, one of the airship crew remarks how Driver is like the pilot from the last war.

Driver delivers the final blow against the Roosevelt, causing the reactor to destabilize. E-6 orders all forces under the impact zone to clear out. Faust, now clearly going insane, remakes to Vita and K-9 every officer in Independence Force HQ was in the Oceanian War, including herself. There they discovered something terrible that the mercenaries regard as Holy and will use it if the war continues on. She justifies her actions as the way to ensure that discovery is never used and for mankind survival; Burn down the Federation or kill every Cascadian. As she laugh manically, the cordium reactor of the Roosevelt detonates, shattering the vessel and ending Faust and her madwoman plan.


After the remains of the once peaceful vessel come crashing back down into the grounds of the Arctic Circle and around Base Station Zero, Vita make confirmation and alerts K-9 that Federation SOF will confirm Faust's death and for them to remain on station for further orders. As the reservist wait for Vita's orders, Brick ponder on what Faust has said before her end, only for Bookie to tell him that they were 'the little people and it's not their Deal' with Cobb remaking that the only thing that matters is that they were done and can return home. The reservist then await for the return home.

However, the Federation had another operation being conducted in the Cascadian city of Prospero simultaneously as K-9 dealt with Faust, and during the confrontation cruise missile were launched from Magadan. The Federation Commander and Officers stationed in the city authorized a cordium-tipped cruise missile strike on the city, as the CIF nearly retakes the city. In a cordium scorched Blaze...

Calamity has struck once again...

A Deal will be made...
