Transcript:Black Flag

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This page includes a transcript of "Black Flag," the first campaign mission of Project Wingman.


log #29-38
user: kniner

Generations ago, a global cataclysmic event scorched the world whole.

Newly exposed and volatile material combined with an earth-shattering tectonic collapse dismantled civilization whole.

The world order was destroyed. History as we know it...changed forever.

But from the ashes, a new era began.

Hundreds of years have passed.

Humanity is now in the time as...

After Calamity

Mercenary Detail
Mercenary Agency: Sicario Corp
Squadron: Hitman Team
Squadron Number: 1
TAC Name: Monarch

AC 432 January 9th

Contract Details



Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Our contract with this backwater place is just about to come to an end and, well, thank God, I don't mind a tropical vacation every once in a while, but it's not very glamorous considering we're here to work. Anyway, one last thing before the Defense Minister releases our contract and we move on to bigger and better. Hitman Team, you haven't gotten all that much airtime this deployment, so you're taking point with this operation.
Briefer: We have confirmed the location of the Burlok Privateer headquarters off the coast of the southwestern edge of the Jesta Island Chain. They're a mercenary group like us who unfortunately have turned to outright piracy. According to surveillance data, we have determined that they are the culprit of the recent high-profile hijacking of the Federation-registered cargo ship Meilynx. The Meilynx is supposedly carrying volatile cargo belonging to the Federation's Department of Global Energy and Sustainability office. Nothing specific from the Federation contact about the cargo; however, our orders are to retrieve it if possible or to neutralize it if we can't. Attempts to negotiate for it have turned up with nothing, so we're going in. Hitman Team, you are to approach the island from the south along with support and establish control over the area, your objective is to eliminate any surrounding anti-air and resistance on the island. After that, secure an LZ for our operator group Ronin to ascertain the cargo, once Ronin lands, maintain air superiority until the next stage of the operation is determined. Be aware that the Burloks have other merc pilots on tap, so enemy reinforcements could be a factor.
Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Normally, we'd stay out of contact with any Federation-adjacent taskings, but this is the last thing we need to do for our current contract, so...I'll let it slide. Two birds with one stone...easy enough, right? Now get to work, dismissed.

Mission Splash

24°25'38" N, 84°2'10" W | WEATHER: SCATTERED | 1605 LOCAL TIME[note 1]

Mission Dialogue

Mission Start

AWACS | Galaxy: This is the ever-lovely Airborne Warning and Control Systems aircraft Galaxy. Hitman Team, get on the clock.
Hitman 3 | Comic: Hitman 3, Comic, punching in.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: Hitman 2, copy you clear, Galaxy, you gonna let us loose?
AWACS | Galaxy: Just about, Diplomat. Hitman 1, take your flight on this vector 'til you start to see targets on the IFF, you are free to engage.
Familiarize yourself with your aircraft and weapons systems. Use the weapon switch key to cycle between equipped weapons.[note 2]
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: Lead the way, Monarch.

  • Hitman 1 WSO | Prez: Hey Monarch, how about we botch the mission? I wouldn't mind staying a few more days out here.
    • AWACS | Galaxy: I have you on record saying that, Prez.
      • Hitman 1 WSO | Prez: Don't be a snitch again, Galaxy. Hitman 1, Monarch and Prez, ready to roll.

AWACS | Galaxy: ALCON, we're engaged, rack them up and knock 'em down.
Privateer Unit: Get the speedboats rolling, we have attackers inbound!
Privateer Unit: Who the hell did we piss off?!

[note 3]
Sicario SOF | Ronin: This is Ronin Actual. Galaxy, we're moving in, our fast movers are in place?
AWACS | Galaxy: Don't sweat it, Ronin, Hitman is cleaning them up now.
STDM is your universal missile. When a lock tone sounds and the target indicator turns red, shoot to fire a guided missile.
Your missile will only lock on to a target you have selected. Press the Cycle Target key to change targets.
There are no Checkpoints in Project Wingman. Calculate your every move.

Destroy all PRIORITY targets in the area

AWACS | Galaxy: We've got inbound, enemy reinforcements coming down from due north flashing mercenary IFFs, greenlight to engage. Defenses are clear. Ronin, move in.
Sicario SOF | Ronin: Copy all, drop the rope, in and out real quick, looks like everyone's scattering.

[note 3]
Privateer Unit: Just drop your guns and look innocent, they’re obviously looking for something.
Privateer Unit: It’s a bit late for that, don’t you think? Run!

Privateer Unit: Who the hell did we piss off?[note 3]

Reinforcements shot down

AWACS | Galaxy: Hitman Team, stand by until Ronin gives the all-clear.
Hitman 3 | Comic: This wasn't much of a fight, Galaxy, I think we're fine by my mark.
Sicario SOF | Ronin: Ronin to Galaxy, we've got eyes on target, looks like some sort of cordium containment chamber, readings says it's unstable.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: That bodes well...
AWACS | Galaxy: Copy, Ronin, how much is present?
Sicario SOF | Ronin: Enough to keep an airship powered for a year according to our sensors, it's not anything we can carry out of here.
AWACS | Galaxy: Right, moment, putting the contact on the line.

Federation Contact: [ping] Clean the scene, everything you've witnessed is confidential by Federation decree, destroy it.
AWACS | Galaxy: Copy that. Ronin, exfiltrate. You heard that, Monarch? Highlighting new target on your IFF, blow it when they're out.
Sicario SOF | Ronin: Way ahead of you, Galaxy, you're clear, Hitman.

Destroying cargo ship Meilynx

Sicario SOF | Ronin: [pause, then massive cordium explosion] Oh shit!
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: What the hell?!

  • Hitman 1 WSO | Prez: Woah, I felt that in my teeth, hot damn, Monarch!

AWACS | Galaxy: ...huh, uh...objectives complete, Hitman, RTB at your leisure.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: [sighs] Think the water's still alright? We've still got sunshine by the time we RTB.
Hitman 3 | Comic: Just drop out and become a surfer or something, you bum.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: Oh yeah, me, you, and flight lead here just running a little beach bar on a gentrified resort built from our blood money, [chuckles] sound good, Monarch?
AWACS | Galaxy: Hold that thought, we've got inbound from due north, same bearing as before. Fighters approaching the flight to your direct south, flash ident or we will flag you as hostiles.
Mercenary | Master Goose: Easy, easy, flashing IFF, we're just the help and, by the looks of it, late to the Burlok party.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: You hired by those mercs in the fort, bud?
Mercenary | Master Goose: Past tense now, I guess, we've got no beef with you, it's all business, I'm sure you guys understand.
Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Put me on, Galaxy... This is Assassin 1, callsign Kaiser, I'm the leader of the Sicario Mercenary Corps, we do understand your situation. Sorry about losing your revenue stream, gentlemen, but you know how this business goes.
Mercenary Pilot | Master Goose: Don't sweat it, we were about to break off and go west anyway towards Cascadia.
Hitman 3 | Comic: Cascadia?
Mercenary Pilot | Master Goose: Yeah, haven't you heard? Civil war against the Federation, some rogue Cascadian Ambassador has been island-hopping, dropping off contracts and information all day. [chuckles] The rebels need mercs and I need a job, Master Goose 1 out.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: You see, that's a team name that sounds fun to have...right, Boss? Boss?
Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Civil war in Cascadia...interesting.


Assassin 1 | Kaiser: The money came through from this contract and our opportunities in this region have just about dried up, if no one objects and your contract with Sicario is still in effect, pack your bags. I looked a little into the Cascadian situation and I believe we'll make something of ourselves there.


  1. The timeframe was originally simply "0730," but was changed in Patch 1.0.4c to address its reduction of orange lighting hue in the mission.
  2. These instructions and all associated lines do not show up on Mercenary difficulty.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 This dialogue is not subtitled.