Unidentified news anchor

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"We have been obligated by the Federation to inform all citizens that an eight ‘o clock curfew is still in effect until further notice. Any attempts to communicate outside of the country will be met with the strictest penalties. We advise all citizens remain sheltered in place, preferable in cellars, until the all-clear siren sounds."
Presidia News Anchor[1]

This news anchor was stationed in Presidia.


The anchor was obligated by the Pacific Federation while stationed in Presidia during its capture to advise all remaining civilians to obey the curfew and shelter in place until the air raid siren sounds an all-clear signal, and that there will be punishment for any attempts to communicate outside of Cascadia.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 05: Sirens of Defeat (Transcript).