United Kerneuropa Alliance

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The United Kerneuropa Alliance (UKA)[2] is a world superpower and alliance of multiple European nations.[1]

Member states


The Alliance was involved in a cold war between the West African Concordat and the Pacific Federation for an unknown amount of time before AC 432 when the Cascadian Conflict broke out.[1] The war caused an economic downturn for all three superpowers due to the war's cessation of Cascadian cordium imports.[2]

On the final day of the war, the Alliance hosted a ceasefire in Albion between Cascadia and the Federation.[3]


Little is known of the Alliance's economic system other than significant reliance on imported Cascadian cordium. Those particular industries shut down due to the Cascadian Conflict, causing market shortfalls.[2]


The United Kerneuropa Alliance most likely originated from Central Europe, specifically Germany, as Kerneuropa is German for "core Europe" and is a cultural term for Continental Europe. It may be a descendant of the European Union.
