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Vietnam, officially the Middle Kingdom of Vietnam, is a nation in Asia.


At some point before the Cascadian Conflict, deceitful prophets plunged Vietnam into crisis. The Pacific Federation summoned Cascadia to neutralize the threat and save the country.[1]


Vietnam's specific monarchic government system appears to be a reference to the long history of Chinese influence on Vietnamese culture, suggesting a societal melting pot in the World on Fire; "middle kingdom" itself is a direct translation of China's native name of Zhōngguó (中国; 中國).

The Federation/Cascadia's involvement in Vietnam appears to be a nod to American intervention in the Vietnam War, both behind a coalition force intended to stop the spread of a perceived dangerous belief.

Behind the scenes

Prior to Frontline-59's release, Matthew Nguyen had teased of Vietnam's existence by stating it is content under Federation supervision.[2]
