Conrad Security

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Conrad Security is a private security company hired by the Pacific Federation to guard Harkema Industrial Park. it features moderate equipment such as Accipiters and P.28, as well as perhaps SAMs.


Conrad Security purchased war insurance sometime in April AC 432 as part of their contract with the Federation in Harkema, concurrent with Icarus Armories' development of Project Wingman's PW-Mk.I and SP-34R. They were not allowed to leave the facility until the aircraft were completed, and were often bored about their job.

Past midnight on May 7, however, they mobilized first against Sicario's incursion on the facility, and radioed their Hitman Team of violating international law before being reminded they were at war. Their forces were largely defeated by the mercenary aces, however, and decided to leave the heavily damaged facility to report back to shareholders.[1]
