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Title Location
Unknown Unknown

This template is used to format game mission lists on articles such as Missions. The template can be called multiple times in a row, but the first template call must be preceded by the start of a table and the last template call must be followed by the end of a table |}.


The parameters included in this usage format are the ones most commonly used. See below for all parameters.

| number   = 
| title    = 
| subtitle = 
| date     = 
| location = 
| summary  = 

Template:Collapsible list


Parameter Required? Usage
number No The mission's number (01, 02, etc.) or other identifier (SP01, VR01, etc.); defaults to N/A
title No The mission's title; defaults to Unknown
subtitle No The mission's subtitle, usually used for an Operation name; omit if there is none
date No The date on which the mission takes place; defaults to N/A; use nodate if almost every mission in the table does not have a date
nodate No If almost every mission in the table does not have a specified date, set this to true and omit the date parameter
location No The location where the mission takes place; defaults to Unknown
summary Yes A summary of the contents of the mission