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There is a total 24 unlockable/playable aircraft in Project Wingman. Below are their statistics, cost, unlock requirements, and others.


  • Role
    • Trainers are cheap aircraft with limited weapon selections.
    • Interceptors are high-speed aircraft specialized for anti-air combat.
    • Fighters are maneuverable aircraft specialized for anti-air combat.
    • Strike aircraft are specialized for anti-ship combat.
    • Attackers are slower aircraft specialized for anti-ground combat.
    • Multiroles are proficient at both anti-air and anti-ground combat.
    • Prototypes are advanced aircraft with powerful weaponry that can fulfill any role.
  • Response: The aircraft's response rate.
  • Speed: The aircraft's maximum speed (in kilometers per hour).
  • Accel.: The aircraft's acceleration.
  • Roll: The aircraft's roll rate (in degrees per second?).
  • Pitch: Called "Turn" in-game. The aircraft's pitch rate (in degrees per second?).
  • Yaw: The aircraft's yaw rate (in degrees per second?).
  • Hardpoints: This denotes the number of hardpoints for Slot 1, Slot 2, and Slot 3. A value of 0 means that the aircraft lacks that slot entirely.
Aircraft AI Hit Points Role Response Speed Accel. Roll Pitch Yaw Hardpoints
1 2 3
T-21 N/A Trainer 1.9 2,500 55 170 85 10 2 0 0
T/F-4 N/A Trainer 2.1 2,500 50 250 75 10 2 0 0
MG-21 35 Interceptor 1.9 2,500 55 170 85 10 2 0 0
MG-21 Mk.2 N/A Interceptor 2.1 3,000 65 170 85 10 2 0 0
SV-37 40 Strike 2.1 2,700 60 165 70 15 2 2 0
F/E-4 35 Strike 1.9 2,500 50 250 75 10 2 2 2
F/C-16 35 Fighter 2.1 2,500 60 210 85 15 2 4 0
CR.105 35 Interceptor 1.6 3,500 100 150 65 10 2 2 2
CR.105 Mk.2 N/A Interceptor 2.4 3,500 120 160 70 15 2 2 2
Sk.25U 35 Attacker 2.0 1,600 65 150 55 5 2 4 2
MG-31 35 Interceptor 2.5 3,600 80 100 65 8 2 4 0
F/D-14 35 Interceptor 2.4 3,500 75 180 88 10 2 2 2
MG-29 35 Fighter 2.2 2,900 75 200 100 12 2 2 2
Accipiter 35 Multirole 2.2 2,500 75 200 100 12 2 2 2
Accipiter Mk.2 N/A Multirole 2.6 2,800 75 200 120 12 2 2 2
F/E-18 35 Multirole 2.2 3,000 65 210 95 15 4 4 0
F/C-15 35 Fighter 2.1 2,500 65 170 90 15 2 4 3
Sk.27 35 Fighter 2.5 2,500 65 175 85 15 2 4 0
Sk.37 70 Prototype 3.1 3,200 115 180 95 15 4 4 0
F/S-15 70 Prototype 3.0 3,200 120 190 110 15 6 4 4
VX-23 70 Prototype 2.6 3,200 100 180 105 20 2 2 2
Chimera 35 Prototype 2.2 2,500 75 200 100 12 2 6 4
SP-34R 150 Prototype 2.2 2,500 75 200 100 12 2 2 1
PW-Mk.I 400 Prototype 4.0 4,000 150 350 150 15 1 1 0


In Campaign mode, aircraft can be sold for 75% of their purchase cost. Aircraft cannot be sold in Conquest mode, though unlocks and Prestige carry over from run to run.

In Frontline-59, credits are completely absent, replaced by progression-based unlocks that are retained for future playthroughs.

Aircraft Requirements Credits Prestige Frontline-59
T-21 N/A 0 0 N/A
T/F-4 N/A 0 5,000 N/A
MG-21 N/A 7,400 19,000 N/A
MG-21 Mk.2 Conquest Mode Only N/A 75,000 N/A
SV-37 Complete Mission 02 4,300 22,000 N/A
F/E-4 Complete Mission 01 6,800 26,000 N/A
F/C-16 Complete Mission 04 10,000 34,000 Available at start
CR.105 Complete Mission 03 11,500 26,000 N/A
CR.105 Mk.2 Conquest Mode Only N/A 65,000 N/A
Sk.25U Complete Mission 03 12,500 32,000 Complete Mission 01
MG-31 Complete Mission 04 19,000 33,000 N/A
F/D-14 Complete Mission 05 34,000 32,000 Available at start
MG-29 Complete Mission 05 36,500 46,000 N/A
Accipiter Complete Mission 06 51,000 34,000 N/A
Accipiter Mk.2 Conquest Mode Only N/A 60,000 N/A
F/E-18 Complete Mission 07 58,000 43,000 N/A
F/C-15 Complete Mission 08 54,000 46,000 Complete Mission 02
Sk.27 Complete Mission 07 62,000 46,000 N/A
Sk.37 Complete Mission 14 216,000 64,000 Complete Mission 03
F/S-15 Complete Mission 12 194,000 64,000 N/A
VX-23 Complete Mission 17 234,000 64,000 Complete Mission 04
Chimera Complete Mission 12 285,000 96,000 N/A
SP-34R Complete campaign 325,000 100,000 N/A
PW-Mk.I Complete campaign 475,000 120,000 N/A

Non-playable aircraft

Aircraft AI Hit Points
Sk.30 65
C-8 35
FC-8 100
I/A-52 76
BC-4S 35
P.28 N/A
F/F-18 35
C/T-17 76
EP-215 N/A
X-PF 100
D/V-204 20


The developers cut plenty of planes because they overlapped in capabilities with too many of the planes already in-game, and were thus taking up development time better spent finishing the game. These planes may be added in the future, along with new ones listed below.

Behind the scenes

Matthew Nguyen stated that despite the lack of aircraft descriptions and details, the developers are adding them back in with alterations. For example:

He elaborated that they consist of three paragraphs: Development and service histories followed by either general trivia or details regarding Monarch's specific owned model.[2]
