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This page is the full list of all Files Archive entries featured in Project Wingman. These are codex entries that provide background information on units, characters, factions, events, locations, etc. of the World on Fire. The entries are ordered by mission unlocked. In total, there are 20 Factions entries, 48 World Entries, and 39 Pilot Entries to unlock.
All entries are to be kept pristine with some corrections and updated when new content is released.
Name | Mission unlocked |
Creole Republic | 01 |
A Periphery nation which sustains itself as a port of call in the Atlantic, it has recently seen fit to pursue association status with the Federation, hoping that their protection would stymy the ever-present pirate and privateer threat which exists off its coasts. If it vassalizes, the Creole Republic would be the Federation's first Atlantic state. Nations of their size make up the majority of world governments. | |
Burlok Privateers | 01 |
The Burlok Privateers were a "pay-to-play" privateer group which made money by extracting taxes out of passing ships at the threat of kidnapping and piracy. Stationed at a now-abandoned offshore resort, the Burlok's sustained notoriety was to be their downfall, like many criminal groups, facing off against militant mercenaries like Sicario. Groups like them are not unfamiliar in this world, if not common along the Periphery. | |
Sicario | 01 |
A mid-sized mercenary unit with a skew toward aerial operations, Sicario is comprised of three combat jet wings, with supporting ground force, electronic warfare, and logistical elements. Compared to most units of its size, turnover is very low, hinting toward Sicario's veterancy compared to their peers. Operating away from the influence of political superpowers in the Periphery, Sicario is constantly searching for an undefinable big break, cutting a swath through defense jobs and strategic strikes for cash. It is unknown who or how Sicario was made; however, Kaiser's ownership of Sicario comes after several prior disastrous contracts in years past. | |
Mercenaries | 01 |
Guns for hire, fighters without a cause, and private soldiers throughout the world are common, if not on the decline due to pressure from the current political superpowers. Available to nations in the Periphery as a stand-in for their own militaries, or hired for more non-governmental affairs such as territory raiding or bounty hunting, mercenaries range from common soldiers to electronic warfare specialists, all in it for the bottom line. | |
United Cascadia I | 02 |
Formed just prior to the AC Era by the need to normalize relations across the Western American Seaboard, officially United Cascadia, often referred to just Cascadia, is the strongest nation in the north Western Hemisphere. Sandwiched between the site of the Yellowstone volcano and the eastern edge of the Ring of Fire, it has been graced by geothermal deposits and cordium, which, while in association status with the Federation, increased output by a third. Because of this wealth and abundance, United Cascadia rivals the Federation, and up until recent history, maintain lukewarm relations with the Federation. | |
The Federation I | 03 |
A multinational organization in the Pacific, comprised of primarily geothermal resource-heavy states, the Federation currently maintains a monopoly on the world's cordium and geothermal supply, leveraging its power with military and political dominance against all those who stand against its policy of constant expansion. | |
Cascadian Independence Force | 03 |
Organized beneath one banner, the remnants of non-Federation-aligned National Guard units, militias, and citizens who believe in an independent Cascadia make up the Independence Force. Led by Cascadia's surviving political cabinet and generals, they fight to maintain a proper "appearance" so as to not devolve into guerrilla and revolutionary fighting as often seen in the Periphery, legitimizing Cascadia's struggle in the international eye. | |
Cascadian National Guard | 04 |
The main defensive force of Cascadia, its only offensive operation to date was in the Oceanian War alongside other Federation states at the time. The lessons learned in Oceania has kept the remnant of the Cascadian National Guard afloat beneath the Independence Force banner, but at the beginning of the Cascadian Conflict, its members were split into between supporting the Federation and independence. Comprised of multiple branches, the Cascadian National Guard, if it had not been divided, might've stood fairly in a defensive war against the Federation. | |
Federation Peacekeepers | 06 |
The Federation maintains across most major Federation member states native-born elite squadrons. Set up as prime examples of Federation service to their respective nations, they are otherwise among the best of the Federation's pilots. Sent across the world striking mercenary outposts and pirate threats, their appearance over the skies of the Periphery means the total domination of any resistance against the Federation. | |
United Cascadia II | 10 |
International opinions of Cascadia are, compared to the Federation, positive. This is much in due part to Cascadia's willingness to host Periphery nations on the world stage from its capital of Presidia. Although many Periphery nations publicly support Cascadia's attempted independence from the Federation, to offer quantifiable support would risk the wrath of the Federation, of which many cannot afford. | |
Federation Air Academy | 11 |
On the plains of the Kingdom of Ulaanbaatar, a Federation Core State, the Federation Air Academy trains the next generation of pilots where air travel is the main method of transportation and commerce. The pilots who instead are recommended as combat pilots are trained here as well, and deployed back to the state National Guards where the Federation's influence are now spread through them. Compounded with classroom lessons, simulations, and real flight hours, most combat pilots in the Federation has traced their training back to the Academy. | |
Henderson Corporation | 12 |
One of the Federation's two main defense contractors, Henderson's reach into both military and civilian markets is matched only, partially, by the Magansk Aeronautical Design Bureau. Responsible for designing and producing arms and equipment for the Core, its traditional designs has set the standard throughout the world's military. | |
Magansk Aeronautical Design Bureau | 12 |
A pre-Federation design house which has recently risen to challenge Henderson completely, MADB has reached out to member states of the Federation and prospective members with an alternative to Henderson's quasi-monopoly. Some say that this is all in an effort to create the conditions for a conflict where MADB designs and Henderson designs go head to head. | |
Icarus Armories | 13 |
Now a weapons firm that acts as an arm of the Federation government, Icarus Armories pushes the boundaries of current technologies all for the sake of Federation dominance, pursuing machines seen in dreams and theories made by mad scientists. Not many of those projects bear fruit; however, researchers who come from Icarus Armories are often responsible for cutting-edge aircraft designs and revolutionary weapon specs which keep the Federation at the forefront of military technology. | |
Mercenary Cabal | 13 |
Established pre-AC during the Long Cold, the Mercenary Cabal was a band of warlords who, for the greater part of the four centuries, operated as the underlying organizer and maintainer of mercenary affairs. Pulling the strings on criminal activities and the very balance of military power across the world via its mercenaries, the Cabal was a puppet master behind many events in world history prior to their supposed destruction in the Oceania War. Some have stated the Federation's sudden vassalization of Oceania was caused by information that the Cabal leadership was to soon use Oceania as a staging point to create a mercenary state rivaling the Federation. | |
Sawaiiki | 13 |
An island nation in the Pacific boasting great geothermal stores of its own, its position in the Pacific places it highly on the Federation's prospective members list. Sawaiiki otherwise has remained neutral in world politics, preferring, outside of its bountiful Wai Mami Port, to isolate itself. | |
The Federation II | 13 |
Many of the Federation's Core States can track their lineage back to surviving governments and conglomerates post-Calamity, this compared to most born anew in the world. This fortune for the Federation has often caused them to define the course of the world just by the sheer organization and backdoor politicking they have, built off ancient blood and gold. However, as ancient history fades, the current Federation has constantly scrambled to support itself by expanding. | |
United Cascadia III | 14 |
A consequence of Cascadia's vast wealth and size is its present inequality. Whereas many do sustain a suburban and urban life along Cascadia's more populated regions, many of the more wild areas maintain tribal groups and compounds occupied by solitary families still living off the land. To Cascadia's east, the North American wilderness, now known as the Dustlands, often grate against Cascadia's borders. The inhabitants of the Dustlands are often in conflict with Cascadian border communities and the National Guard. However, smaller nation states in-continent have started to prop up by Cascadia's support. The fear of the Federation in this event is the establishment of a new political superpower eventually if Cascadia is left to grow. | |
The Federation III | 21 |
Although barely perceptible to the nations of the world, there is a cold war between the Federation and other superpowers, namely in the African continent and Western Europe. The Cascadian Conflict has, at times, acted as a proxy for this larger conflict. With the Federation on the attack, affirming its dominance, any break in that image would be used to discredit the Federation internationally. |
World Entries
Name | Mission unlocked |
Meilynx Incident | 01 |
The Federation Department of Global Energy and Sustainability office reports that the Meilynx was lost with all hands following the mishandling of cargo by private contractors. Images attached of detonation area. | |
After Calamity Era I | 01 |
After the Long Cold and the reestablishment of formal international communications, the surviving nations of the world organized and currently maintain a base year zero for the continuing development of the human race in this period, named "After Calamity," which established its year zero after determinations that mankind has resumed its developmental path unaffected by the Calamity. The average citizen of this world lives a comfortable, safe life, ranging from metropolitan to rural, typically with little discomfort originating from the natural world. | |
Cordium | 01 |
A crystallized combination of dielectric materials, native metals, and still yet to be understood anomalous compositions churned up in the crucible that is the Deep Earth Mantle, cordium is one of the most crucial energy resources in the AC Era. Cordium was properly studied only when humanity returned to its pre-Calamity development level. Stories during the immediate post-apocalypse filled with stories of dangerously reactive rocks and formations, singlehandedly powering abandoned facilities in proximity that survived the immediate disasters, as if haunted by powers beyond understanding. | |
Jesta Island Chain | 01 |
Situated off the coast of the Creole Republic, this island chain's prospective economic developments throughout the decades have been usurped by pirates recently. | |
Oceania War | 02 |
Oceania, withdrawing its Federation membership after heightened strains on its geothermal deposits by the Federation, was invaded. Citing internal security and stability threats, the Federation occupied Oceania, only to meet intense resistance of national Oceanian units and foreign fighters. The war remains one of the first "modern" conflicts in the AC Period, and is cited heavily in the current Federation military doctrine. | |
Yellowstone Containment Zone | 02 |
The most massive eruption of the Calamity, the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano created an immediate extinction-level event on the North American continent while simultaneously ushering in the Long Cold. In this period, the remains of the eruption are nil, with sprawling wilderness covering most of the continent east of the designated "containment" zone. Current Cascadian legislation maintains a buffer zone around the area due to its latent unmapped territory and dangerous geothermal flareups that occasionally happen in the area. | |
The Calamity | 02 |
According to sparse historical artifacts and recordkeeping, the Calamity was a tectonic super-disaster stemming from a geothermal cascade event throughout the Pacific Ring of Fire. The subsequent eruption of volcanoes and devastating earthquakes rocked humanity to its core and, in direct interpretation, ended an era of civilization. Remnants of the Calamity exist along the Ring of Fire in exclusion zones, where tectonic activity and volcanoes remain commonplace. However, to most of the developed world, the Calamity is ancient history. | |
Cascadian Region | 02 |
Comprising the whole North American Pacific Seaboard, all the way down to the former Baja Sea, mainland Cascadia is the detached "island" portion mid-continent. With snowy tundra to its north to blistering deserts in its south, Cascadia comprises an entire hemisphere of climate and, given careful planning, has remained ecologically stable. Many tourists to Cascadia denote that, unlike the megacities of the Federation or elsewhere, Cascadia is a natural jewel. Completely sustainable in its resources, Cascadia can, and hopes, to maintain its independence in a changing world. | |
Rowsdower Airbase | 03 |
A backwater Cascadian National Guard base taken over the Federation; its solitary position and generate remoteness relegate it to hosting tertiary units or misfit personnel. | |
Solana Communications Array | 04 |
Originally a joint Federation/Cascadian telecommunications endeavor; it has since been coopted by the Federation as both a signal booster and a communications jammer throughout all of Cascadia. Hosted in the Aitor Desert, "the Devil's Sandbox" is far enough away from Independence Force units that it is relatively secure from all but the most reaching attacks. | |
Dust Mother | 04 |
"We were molded from dirt, by Her hand. And as we were created, so shall we return to Her. Bury us in the ash of our forefathers, and you will see us in flames." - From the Book of Fire, First Perdition | |
Salvemini Vineyards | 04 |
A Cascadian winery and vineyard at the heart of the country's agricultural sector. Has won the Federation-based "Wine and Dine Showdown at the Khan's Castle" for the last four years. | |
Formation of Federation | 05 |
The Ring of Fire has defined human history, first by destroying it once, and now, in the AC Era, being harnessed. The Federation is a primarily Pacific-based international conglomerate of geothermal energy producer nations, formed in the last hundred years after a massive reformation meant to reconsolidate power throughout the world. It is the number one producer of geothermal energy and cordium; it maintains its production, output, and growth by bringing more and more geothermal producers within its folder, either by diplomatic means or, rarely, by force. In its early years, the Core States of the Federation came under fire by the other relevant powers of the world due to its blatant monopoly on geothermal power. Nowadays, criticism is met by embargos which often cripple entire nations. | |
Presidia | 05 |
The Cascadian capital city and the largest of Cascadia's founding cities, Presidia is the largest city in the north Western Hemisphere. Boasting a skyline that rivals even the Federation megacities of the Core and the far-off megatropolis of Constantinople, Presidia maintains the heart of Cascadia's existence on the world stage, and is often the connecting point between the Periphery and the broader world for many not born in a geothermal-available nation. The definition of a modern city, its ports host commerce from throughout the world, and much of Cascadia's geothermal output travels through here at some point. The Cascadian government runs Cascadia from Presidia's antiquated, renovated main fort installation, of which the city derives its namesake. | |
Solstitium | 05 |
Cascadia's "lost city." 2nd most powerful among Cascadia's founding cities due to its overabundance of geothermal resources and cordium. Forty years prior to the Cascadian Conflict, mishandling of a cordium shipment ignited the deposits beneath Solstitium and created the first artificially created exclusion zone in the AC Era. Thousands died, and countless more were displaced in the fallout, and the Cascadian National Guard maintains a strict security state around the border of Solstitium. Solstitium's ruling family, the Solis family, have, ever since the accident, lobbied to be allowed back into the ruins, only to be denied. Many Solis family members now run citizen militias that meant to eventually force their way back in. In the current state of war, however, they have become inadvertently among the first partisans against the Federation. | |
After Calamity Era II | 06 |
The adaptation of survivors after the Calamity and the subsequent Long Cold necessitated a certain amount of resourcefulness and survival, tribal instinct within humanity. One could say that this has extended the several hundred years to modern times; with the research and development of energy utilities that could take advantage of easily available geothermal deposits, the first political relationships prior to and after year zero and into the AC Era were based around who had access to these energy veins. | |
Cordium Mining | 06 |
Cordium, due to its volatile nature, is difficult to mine for. However, due to modern necessity, it is a necessary labor for much of the energy producers in the world. The most efficient methods are derived from offshoots of deep oil drilling methods, and seeing great industrial rigs over magma and geothermal fields is not uncommon nowadays. In the aftermath of the loss of Solstitium, cordium mining guidelines are stringent, and are among the few pieces of rules that the Cascadian government and the Federation maintain jointly. | |
Apodock Fracture | 06 |
One of the more stable fractures within Yellowstone, it accounts for over a quarter of Cascadia's own dedicated local energy generation. | |
Burning Coast | 07 |
Remnants of the Calamity dot the northern Pacific along the Ring of Fire, volcanic activity and geothermal hotspots naming this region of Cascadia's territory. | |
Prospero | 08 |
One of Cascadia's founding cities, Prospero is the main economic commerce hub in the north Western Hemisphere, between both naval and air traffic which use the city's massive transportation hub. Powered by an inactive volcano, the Prospero Hub is often considered the busiest airport in the world, and hosts a considerable population supporting its operation. | |
Federation Mainland | 08 |
The mass urban sprawls of the Federation Core States leave nothing of the good earth beneath it, entire cities of metal and steel roll for miles to the horizon. The overdevelopment and the sheen of this cityscape has denoted the Federation's mainland across the Pacific from Cascadia as a veritable hellscape to some, and comfortable dystopia to others. The massive need of energy that these cities run on necessitate in some part Federation policy, and in the event of brownouts of unsustainability, reckon internal strife beneath an already tumultuously built system. | |
Zhirov Air Corridor | 08 |
One of the main aerial highways over Cascadia linking up with international trade routes, the Zhirov Air Corridor is host to 15% of the world's commercial passengers and trade every day. | |
Pillars of Communications | 09 |
Seen throughout most of the Cascadian territory, the Pillars of Communications are a Cascadian logistical project meant to amplify communications signals throughout Cascadia. This was to combat the rampant geothermal interference that affects such communications throughout the continent. Conspiracy theories abound about them; however, the Cascadian and subsequent Federation occupation government opine that they are nothing but regular, if not grandly scaled, telecommunication towers. | |
Long Cold | 09 |
Immediately following the Calamity, the volcanic ash cloud spewed from the Ring of Fire and the Yellowstone supervolcano created a temporary Ice Age by blotting out the sun, destroying crops, natural fauna, and consequently the people that relied on the ecosystem; millions died worldwide from starvation, famine, and cascading environmental conditions. Ironically in the end, many survivors of the now-named "Long Cold" huddled around geothermal fissures to provide warmth and soil. Officially, the Long Cold lasted an estimated 150 years, comprising of the time immediately after the Calamity up to the year zero of the After Calamity Era. | |
Wensleydale Mountains | 09 |
The last Cascadian mountain range before full immersion into the Dustlands. Before the war, the Cascadian National Guard maintained defense facilities meant to combat mercenaries and smugglers. | |
Ring of Fire | 10 |
Accounting for nearly every tectonic event, volcanic eruption, and geothermal exclusion zone in human and prehistoric history, what is otherwise known as the Circum-Pacific Belt is a horseshoe-shaped nexus of tectonic activity that has been otherwise known by its more sinister moniker: The Ring of Fire. The origin of the Calamity itself, the Ring of Fire has remained active, albeit at a much more sustainable level, ever since the beginning of the AC Era. Volcanoes and earthquakes along the Ring of Fire remain a constant presence to those who call the Ring of Fire home, for, ironically, despite the devastating consequences of the geological zone, it has also provided a wealth of geothermal veins and cordium deposits. This readily available powerful energy source has, for many modern nations, outweighed the cost of dealing with the expected natural disasters stemming from the Ring; however, many experts warn that human endeavor into prodding the open wounds of the earth that is the geothermal fractures is a dangerous, if not inevitable, catalyst for further disaster. | |
Bering Strait | 11 |
Separating Cascadia from Magadan's northern territories, and subsequently the Federation as a whole, fishermen from both sides have been known to duke it out with small arms and ship-to-ship ramming. King crab fishing remains good, however. | |
Utilization of Cordium | 12 |
The generation of power from cordium is, in a simple conceptual abstraction, a three-part process: The cordium is placed or absorbed into a secure engine. After that, a catalyst is introduced to the cordium. The cordium reacts, the engine containing the subsequent reaction cascade. After a short period, however, the cascade settles into much safer, manageable levels. In this state, cordium becomes, essentially, a slow-burning power supply able to power machines magnitudes larger than itself. Due to the nature of cordium, further decreasing its size down to household or personnel use has proven to be difficult, if not impractical, and further attempts to create a synthetic supply has been unsuccessful. Research into further weaponizing its more destructive resonant output has also been met with failure. | |
Sea of the Scar | 12 |
Entry is currently a duplicate of Federation Mainland. This is a bug known to the developers.[1] | |
Harkema Industrial Park | 12 |
One of many artificial settlements and rigs set up in the Sea of the Scar, it was established by Federation billionaire Kyl Harkema as part of the now-infamous '29 tax scandal. Icarus Armories acquired the rig following the liquidation, despite Cascadian government disapproval. | |
The Periphery | 13 |
Nations which are not self-sufficient in geothermal energy are often cast beneath the term "Periphery." Although these states might be self-sufficient in their own right, if not even powerful, many rely on modern technology and infrastructure which heavily favors geothermal energy and cordium. In recent decades following the Oceanian War, more and more Periphery states have pledged themselves, if not to the Federation, then to larger powers. Further still, some Periphery states have pledged to stand alone against a changing world, deeming their independence absolute. | |
Federalization of Sawaiiki | 13 |
Sawaiiki, given its own energy resources and policy aims, has pivoted to becoming a state within the Federation, causing the subsequent federalization to be in full swing by the time the Cascadian Conflict started. Federalization in Sawaiiki has proceeded standardly: First, Federation infrastructure and social programs are disseminated throughout the population, easing their citizenship into the organization, creating a drastic increase in standard of living, and causing citizens to rely on the Federation instead of the original nation-state. From there, the military, political structure, and even culture are adjusted to fit into the Federation's own plan, in exchange for the security of the Federation's power. Sawaiiki in particular has been a goal for the Federation due to its strategic position in the Pacific; however, the recent mercenary attack has put federalization into question, much like Cascadia's own path into conflict. | |
Sawaiiki Harbor | 13 |
The main port of the Sawaiiki nation, it is the largest airship-compliant port in the Pacific, providing most of Sawaiiki's exports and imports. | |
Grimwood Forest | 14 |
Cascadia's many forests have been known to be a tourist destination the world over; given the mass industrialization and urbanization of the Federation and its contemporaries, Grimwood Forest, and many like it, are natural marvels in their own right. | |
Prospero Disaster | 15 |
If left uncontrolled, a cascade reaction has the ability to ignite cordium without restraint. This particular, uncontrolled reaction has been often theorized to be the reason behind the Calamity's destructive nature and, in the wake of the first deployment of cordium-primed weaponry in Cascadia, been proven correct. Weaponized cordium, having reacted to the geothermal and cordium deposits beneath Prospero, has erupted and caused a regionwide tectonic disaster, causing cordium to ignite and react with itself. The effects of this range from disastrous geothermal storms to earthquakes on the scale only recorded in ancient history. | |
Brite Fortress | 17 |
During the Long Cold, prior to Cascadia's proper unification, infighting between cities and territories which would become Cascadia was common. In the immediate unification period, these blood feuds still persisted, and among the first moves by the newly formed Cascadian National Guard was to create facilities between hotly contested factions so as to dissuade any final grievances from being carried out. Brite Fortress, in the modern era, has become a depot and secondary logistical facility prior to the Cascadian Conflict. Post-Prospero Disaster, however, its position outside of any geothermal hot zones has caused it to be a rally point for many survivors. | |
Highway 34 | 17 |
An unfinished highway along the Aleutian Islands meant to bridge the gap between communities living on the chain, it was left unfinished following the reallocation of budget to counter Federation taxes. Although portions are in use between islands by inhabitants, Highway 34 has, even prior to the war, become impromptu emergency landing strips for commercial aircraft in trouble over the Bering Strait. | |
After Calamity Era III | 18 |
The current world order in the After Calamity Era is defined by either the possession of geothermal and cordium resources or the lack thereof. The Federation, in its one hundred-year history, is often the main dictator of world events due to its size, but recent events and the ever-present rise of the Periphery's independence from superpowers have left other organizations wondering about another world order. Whatever happens after Cascadia, whether or not the Federation maintains control or Cascadia wins its independence, it is assumed that the balance of the world will be left at hazard. | |
Pacific Ocean | 19 |
Traversal over the Pacific Ocean is hazardous, given the lack of up-to-date maps and latent geothermal activity. Many microislands and arisen landmasses have propped up and yet to be discovered even in the AC Era, and research into deep water hazards is still a new field. Interestingly, ships travelling across the Pacific often use the paths of geothermally evolved whales to chart safe passage through dangerous waters. | |
Prospero Disaster International Fallout | 19 |
Intercepted summary transcript to President Mabiala of the West African Concordat: Between Federation public reports and their intercepted confidential communications, along with cooperation with the rebel Independence Force, corroborate high probability that the Federation has acted outside of tolerable limits for humane warfare. Member states within the WAC are coordinating with international powers to condemn the Federation and provide proxy support to the Independence Force, if conditions do not further deteriorate into their destruction. Tectonic activity, geothermal storms, and other related natural events has effectively cut off Cascadia (both Federation and IF) from the outside world. It is the recommendation of the WAC that the seizure of any Federation asset within our jurisdiction is warranted given the Federation's gross misuse of ability. Investigation into weaponry deployed by Federation for own usage also underway. | |
Golden Ocean | 19 |
It is rumored by some that, in Cascadia's pre-Calamity history, it was built on gold. Would-be treasure hunters wade offshore in the hunt for such a thing. | |
Cascadian Calamity Event (AC 432) | 21 |
Describing the period of time during the Prospero Disaster and end of open warfare in Cascadia during the attack on Prospero, cordium-primed weaponry were deployed from a Federation mobile artillery battalion, plunging Cascadia into a geothermal disaster similar to the Calamity. During a downturn in the latent effects of the natural disasters, the Cascadian Conflict continued until it was concluded during the Second Battle of Presidia. The battle ended when another cordium-primed warhead was detonated in downtown Presidia by alleged Federation actors led by Federation Peacekeeper Crimson 1, eliminating all but a handful of Federation survivors of the war as well as the final combat-operational units of the Cascadian Independence Force. | |
Presidian Disaster | 21 |
Using the same weapons which caused the Prospero Disaster, Crimson 1, acting independently from Federation command, launched and detonated a cordium weapon in Presidia after the cessation of hostilities, causing insurmountable losses of life among Federation and Independence Force units. This fatalistic attack was made in order to draw out Hitman 1 into combat. After Crimson 1 was shot down over Presidia, Federation troops remaining in Cascadia fell beneath extreme prejudice in the immediate breakdown in communications, with Cascadian sentiment believing Crimson 1 was acting in concert with them. Presidia, although heavily damaged, came back beneath control of the Independence Force; fighting throughout Cascadia officially ended. | |
Cascadian Conflict Ceasefire | 21 |
A bilateral, internationally managed ceasefire, its development and work was kept secret by both the Independence Force and the Federation as both sides tried to consolidate as much territory as possible before the ceasefire was signed and declared. Signed on the European continent, hosted by a third-party association, it came too late for the Federation to hold any territory in Cascadia. However, despite this, it was broken almost immediately, inadvertently by the arrival of Crimson 1. | |
"The Deal" | 21 |
A pact made on behalf of the Cascadian people to the Hitman Team, the Deal is known only to Hitman's operators and subsequently was enough to convince them to win a war despite Sicario and their own personal losses. Hitman remains at large following the end of the war, and among the first post-war decrees by the Cascadian government has urged Cascadians to report any sightings of them to the Cascadian military police. | |
The Cascadian Conflict | 21 |
![]() ![]() Stemming from the Cascadian withdrawal of their Federation membership, the Cascadian Conflict lasted six months and resulted in an estimated 1.5 million deaths across Federation and Independence Force totals. Over that total, over half were from the Prospero and Presidian Disasters and the cordium-related natural events stemming from that. Fighting was recorded in every Cascadian region, with fighters from over 90 nations represented by either Federation military units or Independence Force mercenaries. Understood as the largest war in modern history, eclipsing the destructive force of the Oceania War by a factor of three, what was once expected to be a sweeping Federation victory has instead resulted in Cascadian independence and retribution. | |
Post-Cascadian Conflict | 21 |
Due to the unclear nature of Crimson 1's activities during the final moments of the conflict, the Federation, despite the ceasefire, has come under attack worldwide by Periphery states with the backing of Cascadia. The Federation, having lost a majority of its Peacekeepers and deployable, actionable military, is now on the defensive both politically and militarily as its usage of cordium weapons has drawn ire among the international community. Cascadia, in its immediate rebuilding, has rallied the Periphery to itself and, depending on further disposition on the world's new shaking state of affairs, may see itself launching a crusade against the Federation overseas. The Federation's newer members, in light of Cascadia, are now moving to also remove themselves, leaving the Core States in its weakest position since its foundation. Owing much of its independence to mercenaries, Cascadia has now become a free haven for mercenaries and freelancers, of which Cascadia's newly formed foreign legions are stocked with beneath a charismatic commander. | |
Final Independence Force Offensive | 21 |
With the destruction of the Solana Communications Array and then the sinking of the Federation airship fleet in Sawaiiki, the momentum bought by Sicario and mercenaries alike ushered in a blitzkrieg across Cascadia of Independence Force units meant to flush the Federation out of the country. Being effectively stranded and left behind by a Federation unprepared with these losses, the Federation was unable to mount any effective counteroffensives between partisan efforts and the proper military fronts put up by General Morgan Elizabeth up until his death in Operation Anticipation. Reorganizing after a brief pause after the Prospero Disaster, the pure momentum of the Independence Force propelled the frontlines to Presidia and then final victory. |
Pilot Entries
Name | Mission unlocked |
Hitman 2 | "Diplomat" | 01 |
Son to a Cascadian political dynasty, Diplomat has elevated himself from the underperforming middle child to a well-rounded pilot after eloping from the Federation Air Academy and striking it out on his own in the Periphery. Having survived long enough in Sicario to be Hitman's number two, his homebrew flight style and generally amiable personality has served him well in the cutthroat world of mercenary piloting. Despite his record, however, it is known that Diplomat doesn't do well when he's in over his head. His callsign is a jab at his somewhat privileged upbringings, which he vehemently denies any association to currently. | |
Hitman 3 | "Comic" | 01 |
Born into a family of immigrant workers from a lesser-developed North American state, after moving into Cascadia's Pacific Northwest, the woman that would become Hitman 3 aspired to greatness beyond her rural lifestyle. Scoring top marks in the Federation Air Academy, she was fast-tracked to squadron commander in Cascadia's national guard. Unfortunately, she was removed from her command after an operation gone wrong. Disappearing into the Periphery disgraced, she now is in the service of Sicario and Hitman Team. Her callsign is a vestige of a former personality, one that was, allegedly, a little more funny. | |
Assassin 1 | "Kaiser" | 01 |
Little is known outright about Kaiser; however, it is known that he used to be part of a military of a now-failed nation-state, and that Sicario pre-existed his own entry into the unit. What is known about Kaiser is that his form of charisma is derived from his very essence as a self-proclaimed war hero-to-be. Many in Sicario often consider his leadership of Sicario as a way of him searching for glory. Despite this fanciful claim, Sicario has operated effectively and cleanly, avoiding the ire of the Federation while taking on jobs away from the world's superpowers. Never one to back down from a show, he entertains. | |
AWACS | Galaxy | 01 |
A rarity amongst even smaller national militaries, AWACS Galaxy is the callsign for Sicario's main operator. Outspoken, loud, proud, and a foil to Kaiser's bombast, Galaxy was himself a former radio engineer and radio DJ; however, several bad decisions and a binding contract has attached his fate to Kaiser now. Unfortunately, Kaiser has realized that Galaxy is stuck with him as opposed to the other way around, and the operator has found himself Sicario's de facto second-in-command. Existing outside of the usual, prior military training that AWACS operators usually come from, he is initially grating for former service pilots, but his straight to the point, if not colorful, updates keep Sicario well ahead of the enemy. | |
Hitman 1 WSO | President | 01 |
The other Hitman 1: Monarch's occasional copilot's claim to fame is that she is able to keep up with Monarch. Responsible for taking shots that Monarch calls while in aircraft that necessitate two pilots, she is, if anything, just the slightest more talkative than Monarch, and is a welcome addition among Hitman 2 and 3. | |
Master Goose Squadron | 01 |
An independent, freelance mercenary squadron. Records from public sources denote a respectable combat record, if not plain, compared to Sicario. | |
SOG Ronin | 01 |
Special Operations Group Ronin is a subsection of Sicario's ground force. Special forces soldiers that act in concert with Sicario's assets, their arrival with Sicario in the Cascadian Conflict has provided the Independence Force with a search-and-rescue unit meant to relieve embattled divisions behind enemy lines. They swear themselves to Kaiser for reasons unelaborated by them. | |
Hitman Team | 01 |
Sicario's point squadron, they are, in their current iteration, a three-man flight. No-nonsense, results-getting, and able to duke it out with even the most seasoned fighters, their existence in the mercenary world is considered a fluke. Their relative closeness when compared to the rest of their mercenary compatriots in Sicario is also of note. Some speculate this is from their shared experience as Sicario's only Cascadians. Further speculate that Hitman is searching for something in their mercenary travels. Hitman declines to comment on any of these claims. | |
Stardust | J. Griffiths | 02 |
A Cascadian National Guard officer and pilot. In the course of the Cascadian Conflict, he has been assigned as the handler for the mercenaries that answered Cascadia's call, much to his chagrin. Fundamentally, he disagrees with mercenaries. However, the war which has come to Cascadia has forced pragmatics out of him. He was among the outspoken caste in the Cascadian National Guard which many believe propelled Cascadia into the war, and is treated accordingly by some. | |
Gunsel Squadron | 02 |
Sicario's primary mainline squadron, commanded by a former Federation Air Academy instructor, they provide the main, conventional warfare aspect of Sicario compared to Hitman or Assassin. | |
Assassin Team | 02 |
Sicario's flagship aerial unit, commanded by Kaiser himself in the air. Their shock and awe style is meant to inspire fear against their targets, and are often deployed in this intimidation factor. | |
Crosstalk Squadron | 02 |
A secondary Federation squadron, among many of the mainline units not charged with active warfighting at the start of the Cascadian Conflict. Squadrons like Crosstalk are meant to shore up other units as frontline losses are sustained. | |
Wild Boar Unit | 03 |
Cascadian veterans of the Oceanian War are often beneath the Wild Boar Regiment and General Morgan Elizabeth. Cascadia's involvement in the Oceania War is ironic, especially given General Elizabeth's new position as main military commander of the Independence Force against the Federation. Among Cascadia's only warfighters with experience, the Wild Boar Unit has, in the opening days of the war, sustained itself better than other National Guard units with less veterancy. | |
Peacekeeper | Crimson Squadron | 06 |
Cascadia's Peacekeeper Squadron, led by Crimson 1. They are the elite among the elite even among the Peacekeepers. Brutal, without mercy, Crimson 1's pure devotion to the Federation reflects in how they have conducted themselves in battle. It is, in Crimson 1's theory, a demonstration of the might of the Federation. | |
Eminent Domain | 07 |
Named after its capture by the Independence Force, the Eminent Domain is a state-of-the-art Federation battleship, now serving as the flagship for the rebel fleet. As fast as destroyers, able to perform hit-and-run attacks with its massive armament, its presence on the Cascadian coastline has created a new play for the naval war. Elsewhere, it is called to shell emplacements along the coast, further deteriorating Federation security in the region. | |
Spy Ship Cat-Eye | 07 |
A Federation intelligence ship stationed off the coast of Cascadia. Cascadian spies, however, prior to its sinking, discovered that its goals in the region were entirely unrelated to the Cascadian Conflict and instead was tracking rumors related to the Mercenary Cabal, missing since the Oceanian War. Captained by Captain Edwin You. | |
Task Force 1 | 13 |
The Federation's main airship fleet. Deployed across the world to maintain a presence against any would-be rebellions among the Periphery and federalizing states. Its organization and composition is unmatched, maintained only by the Federation's vast cordium reserves sourced from nations like Cascadia. Task Force 1 was unable to participate in the initial stages of the Cascadian War due to refit by Icarus Armories in Oceania. | |
Destroyer Owl | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Teodoro Temez. | |
Destroyer[sic] Fishmonger | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Matthew Kuhn. | |
Destroyer[sic] Silverwing | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Christian Trachsel. | |
Destroyer[sic] Robert Astley | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Nicholas Feuerborn. | |
Patrol Ship Vermillion | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain John MacDonald. | |
Patrol Ship Kagonish | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Kyle Bennett. | |
Cruiser[sic] Albatross | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Raul Keller. | |
Cruiser Epsilonic | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Lilian Gimenez. | |
Cruiser Mosulola | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Victoria Prince. | |
Aegis Ship Serule Blue | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Nikolaus Messerschmidt. | |
Aegis Ship Hellbender | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Greg Chan. | |
Battlecruiser Naga | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Paolo Encarnacion. | |
Battlecruiser Salvation | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Lane Horras. | |
Battleship Kongo | 13 |
Part of Task Force 1, captained by Captain Colton Eddy. | |
Flagship Zetec | 13 |
A 205-type aerial battleship, the Zetec has a long history of Federation service and is among the very few 205-types to engage in airship-to-airship combat due to its presence in the final battles of the Oceania War. Captained currently by Admiral Mathieu "Bones" Bonin at the head of Task Force 1, the Zetec is planned to be in service for another 40 years based on Icarus Armories retrofitting and predictions on enemy forces in the next few decades. | |
Frost Druid | Klara Rask | 16 |
A remnant of the Oceanian War, Klara Rask was one of the mercenaries that came to Oceania to assist its war against the Federation. As the tides soured, however, she switched sides as a Federation mercenary hunter, and in the years since, has provided her experience as a combat pilot to Icarus Armories in order to test new Federation airframes. | |
Evelyn London | 16 |
Formerly Major Evelyn London III, Eve London's time in the Cascadian National Guard came to an end after she ordered a strike upon a pirate camp along Cascadia's eastern frontier within the Dustlands. Killing a Cascadian informant in the strike, she was dishonorably discharged after failing to stand down in the moments leading to the strike. Eve spent several years in a drunken stupor along the Periphery before being offered another chance to fly by Sicario's offer, which, after detoxing, she took gladly, having to contend with a new life as a mercenary all the while. In the years since, Eve has embraced purely her ability in combat flying, and yearns for the fight of her life. No one stops her. | |
Peter Kennedy | 16 |
The background to Peter Kennedy's existence as a fighter pilot is backed by expectation and the desire to subvert them. Pressed by his political family to take up the trade of public service, opposed to his dreams of becoming an astronaut, he instead bartered a middle ground and was sent to the Federation Air Academy under the pretense of returning to serve Cascadia's national guard. After several unsuccessful academic years in the academy with little actual flight training, Peter fled to the Periphery after being expelled and, after negotiating flight time in exchange for reduced pay, flew for several smaller air forces accruing experience, eventually coming into sortie with Sicario. Frenken recognized the unusual pilot and offered him a better deal: More flight hours, more pay. Peter took it. In his current deployment in his homeland Cascadia, he has privately confided that he didn't feel the need to reach out to his family. "They'll be okay," he said. Whether that was to himself or a genuine belief is unknown. | |
Dominic Zaitsev | 16 |
Native to the capital, Dominic Zaitsev ran a variety radio show where numerous listeners would call in to, more often than not, clash with the fiery DJ. However, after his radio station was caught up in a gambling sting operation, Zaitsev fled, eventually, for his own safety, being acquired by Arnold Frenken and pressed into service as an AWACS operator beneath Sicario. Some say his endgame in this new life of his is to lead Sicario himself; however, the current arrangement of Sicario, he finds, personally, very comfortable. | |
Arnold Frenken | 16 |
Heir to an important mercenary bloodline, Frenken has traveled the world and fought in wars hoping to create his own story. Sicario is his current and most successful try in establishing that legend. | |
Robin Kuo | 16 |
TAC name: President, Prez for short. Normally one of Hitman's crew chiefs, managing and repairing their aircraft after sortie. When charged, however, she serves as Hitman 1's WSO, and subsequently falls underneath the callsign as well. The only WSO of Monarch's that is able to (barely) sustain his flying, she exists, in Sicario, as an outlier; both within and outside of Hitman Team's social circle. A kind woman, if not a little pioneering in her need for cash, she sustains the physiological damage of flying with Monarch for the sake of the money they make together. Evidence points toward a family which she sends this money back to in the Federation Core. | |
Hitman 1 | "Monarch" | 21 |
Sicario record of prior operation actions by current Hitman 1: |
- The entries for the Task Force 1 airships are unusually mostly thin except for the Zetec's. Matthew Nguyen explained this was due to time constraints.[2]
- Nguyen had teased on upcoming entry updates:
- ↑ yep already on it that's an easy fix -Discord statement by Matthew Nguyen, December 2, 2020, 11:29PM
- ↑ We even ran out of time for the TF-1 entries hence that eyesore in the Files -Discord statement by Matthew Nguyen, February 24, 2021, 10:04AM
- ↑ Nguyen, M. [FlyAwayNoVV]. (2022, 03 Feb). One fun fact I have in the upcoming files update is that Cascadian gun ownership is at like, 63% [Comment on the online forum post The last thing federal pvt. Romero "Romeo" Alaska saw after breaching a home during the first battle of presidia.]. Reddit.
- ↑ I do make a comment in the updated files that in the first 24 hours of open warfare just a few dozen different jail breaks just happen bank robberies just anyone who was looking for the right time just fucking goes for it -Discord statement by Matthew Nguyen, August 13, 2022, 8:21 AM