Arnold Frenken

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"... the bigger the foe, the bigger the story. ... I’m not in this for the money, remember, I’m here for history."
"Well, the rest of us are on binding contracts, so please just don’t get us killed, Boss."
"That's up to you."
― Frenken and a Sicario pilot[2]

Commander Arnold Frenken, TAC name Kaiser, is the leader of Sicario and its flagship air unit, Assassin Team.[3] A glory seeker, he has been on an unending pursuit for fame and glory and a spot in history, his most notable and successful venture being Sicario.[4]

He is one of the four main characters of Project Wingman.


Early life and leading Sicario

There is little public information about Arnold Frenken, though it is known he is the heir to an important mercenary bloodline and previously served in the military of a now-failed nation-state. He travelled the world and fought in various wars in an attempt to create a personal legend.[4] He joined and eventually inherited the Sicario Mercenary Corps after several disastrous contracts in the past, and has since reformed it into an incredibly effective PMC with a very low turnover rate, as well as a standout among other mercenary groups.[5]

He also took command of Assassin Team, recruited Pacific Federation native and fugitive Dominic Zaitsev as his second-in-command and AWACS operator by binding contract, and welcomed the future members of SOG Ronin (including squad leader Kelleher)[6] at some point.[7]

Cascadian Conflict

Pre-war and seeking bigger glories

Frenken took Sicario to the Creole Republic on a month-long contract from the Minister of Defense on December 9, AC 431. Though he enjoyed it as a "tropical vacation", not much glamor was found, and he longed for the contract to end. When he found that the final objective of their contract was of the Federation (the hijacking of one of their cargo ships), he was reluctant at first, but decided to accept it to finish up. He assigned Hitman Team to take point, and when they completed their objective, they encountered Master Goose Squadron, who Frenken radioed about their losing their employer, the Burlok Privateers, who hijacked the cargo ship in the first place. After they spoke of the Cascadian Conflict which they were attracted to, Frenken looked into the situation there and found a "bigger and better" chance at glory there.[8] He looked past the official news minimizing the conflict as "a few riots" and read leaking information along with mercenary network intel confirming a full conflict underway, and briefed his underlings about Cascadia, which he never visited before but heard things about, and its Independence Force upon reaching out to them.

Entry operations

"To approaching unidentified aircraft: When the night comes, how do we return home?"
"By midnight's light."
― The countersign

Before departing to the Fresnon Range, he offered any conscientious members to leave Sicario with what they have of the last contract; to Dominic's surprise, most of them stayed, and when they made it past the range, he exchanged countersigns with J. Griffiths, the Cascadian contact and attaché to the mercenaries.[9] When questioned by his subordinates and Griffiths about his PMC's spectacular performance in taking Rowsdower Air Force Base, he stated it was just how his business went, and he gave Hitman Team first pick for hangars and airbase bunks. He remarked the base was "rough around the edges", but made himself at home for a while. He also issued a reminder for all mercenaries to go by their callsigns to avoid being targeted by bounty hunters, and signed the contract with Independence Force HQ sent by them later.[2]

"They’ll tell stories about this, ladies and gents."
“The Fall of Presidia,” better make my place in it."
-Frenken and Gunsel 1

Frenken and one of his Assassins took part in the evacuation of the Cascadian capital Presidia. When they were faced with the Federation Vertical Navy's PDF airships, he instructed his subordinates to attack from above and below their hulls.[10] Assassin Team took part in the raid on Federation resource facilities over a week later, along with Gunsel Squadron and others. After Hitman's own strike and encounter with Crimson Team, Frenken had a conversation with Dominic over them staring down and surviving Federation Peacekeepers.[11][12]

Frenken at Solana

Mid-war and leaving impressions

Frenken expressed a sense of unique impression from Hitman Team leader Monarch after his solo flight into the Chaohord Defense Region, which disabled it entirely and paved the way for the upcoming Operation Blackout tomorrow on April 4, and ordered him to get some sleep for the morning mobilization.[13] He led the briefing on what would be Sicario's largest deployment in its history and secretly ordered Ronin to infiltrate the Solana Communications Array to sabotage and secure its command center as part of an escape strategy, as they have only fuel for a one-way trip. He followed Dominic's own command of providing air support for their ground forces, and once the operation was over, he ordered all damaged planes to land for repairs or plane replacement, and for ground forces to secure vital intel and await pickup by Circus.[14]

Frenken at the Bering Strait

"How many aces are earning their wings today, eh?"
“Is this all a game of glory to you?"
“You bet it is."
-Frenken and Griffiths

Frenken at Sawaiiki

Frenken also took part in Operations Guillotine and Free Agent. He admitted to Griffiths that he saw the war as a chance for glory like all others,[15] and to other mercenaries that he and Sicario were practically in charge of them all because of their being in high demands, though assured them they had no need to share kills. In addition, he gave the strike on Harkema Industrial Park to Hitman Team, trusting them as the only squadron capable of taking on such a top-secret facility strike. During the Sawaiiki raid mission, conversed to other mercenaries about Sicario's similarity to the old Mercenary Cabal, and how his best pilot, Monarch, was basically his very Signature like in the old days. By the end of the raid, he promised to buy dinner for Hitman Team, ecstatic at the success.[16][17]

Leaving Cascadia and cavalry

"You're on our ride out of here. Either pay to come with us or go. Whatever you do, don't waste our time."
"If I may make Cascadia's're still contracted to Cascadia, Sicario. You have a bargain to fulfill and, quite frankly, you're worth more to us now than ever."
"Look outside! You think there's a Cascadia left?!"
"It looks worse than it is, promise. My countrymen are scattering to safe zones to shelter in place. We'll return, and soon enough, after this hell passes. When we do, we'll need your help."
"Me and my soldiers don't fight losing wars."
― Frenken debating with Griffiths over whether he should save his own skin

Following the Cascadian Calamity Event, Frenken and his squadron returned to Rowsdower along with others, and imposed radio silence up until Hitman Team and Dominic returned and took care of any pursuers, presumably having detected them prior. He broke radio silence once the engagement ended and was about to refuel and leave Cascadia when Griffiths, who returned late, reminded them of their contract. He was then dragged to a talk over staying or leaving, and insisted he and his men don't fight for lost causes or marred lands. Griffiths then offered him his end of the Deal against his skepticism, and along with that, orders to fulfill - heading to the Periphery to gather new allies to reinforce their ravaged forces. Though he was also allowed to run off with the Deal, he reluctantly complied to it. Griffiths also showed him Hitman's part of the Deal, which he remarked wasn't for him, and after accepting it wholesale, ordered Dominic to stay with Sicario's last few remnants while he busies himself, which he agreed to despite his complaints.[18]

Frenken attacking the 1st Naval Battlegroup

Do you wanna live forever? Let's give the rebels what they paid for!
-Frenken rallying his reinforcements on the attack

Over the course of the next two months, Frenken found out that a significant number of world powers are now in support of the rebels, and he then amassed an army comprised of a mix of mercenaries (including Cabal remnants), freedom fighters, and proxy squadrons from the aforementioned countries (perhaps including the West African Concordat)[19] He returned to Cascadia on August 12 during Operation Welder and helped the rebels sink the final wave of the 1st Naval Battlegroup. He then remarked to Dominic that they are back in business,[20] and stated he is no longer seeking glory, but revenge against the Federation for destroying his organization.

Frenken attacking the 1st Naval Battlegroup

I brought everyone I could find; every freedom fighter, every war junkie, every soldier of fortune. Throughout the world, Cascadia has become a beacon of rebellion against the Federation, and for that, I have gathered an army.
-Frenken on his reinforcements

Frenken participated in the Second Battle of Presidia. It was there where he found out Ronin had survived the Second Calamity, and where he rallied his mercenaries to show no mercy to the Federation and kill as many as they can. He complied to the Cascadian Conflict Ceasefire, however, but was then caught up in the Presidian Disaster where he caught sight of Crimson 1, but was shot down along with his entire flight and everyone except Monarch.[21] He safely ejected and, watching the capital burn and fall apart, swore to burn the Federation to the ground in vengeance for taking away their final victory from them after everything.[22]

Post-Cascadian Conflict

Following the end of the war, it is implied Frenken became the leader of the newly formed Cascadian Foreign Legions.[23]

Personality, traits, and relationships

"I always loved an audience."
― Frenken in response to intel about more Federation reinforcements pouring into the Bering Strait furball[15]

Frenken is a charismatic leader and soldier who sees himself as a "war hero-to-be". He always wants to get center stage at any event where he can "attract as big of an audience as possible", an entertainer at heart. While his leadership of Sicario was seen by some subordinates as a quest for glory, it was nevertheless effective and clean, with the group taking jobs away from world superpowers like the Federation until the Cascadian Conflict. He also has experience in tactics against airships.[24] In addition, he is known to be irate when people take up positions without his permission.[12]

He seems to sympathize, if slightly, with some of his outfit who came from lesser countries like those in the Periphery, and does not force his people into involvement in his glory game.[9] To him, a bigger opponent like a superpower (eg. the Federation) means a bigger reputation.[2] He fancies his peers accumulating glory along with him[15] while simultaneously believing in a lack of need to share it.[2] He has absolute trust in his organization's capability, especially Hitman's, to the point other mercenaries see them as his "kingmakers"[17] and know of and want to compete with his glory-seeking.[25][26]

However, he does not get ahead of himself, as he stated he doesn't fight losing wars or even desire widening one that is already ongoing.[16] In fact, when the Calamity relapsed, he wanted out of the conflict as soon as possible until the Deal was offered to him[18] - something Robin Kuo commented was "too much power" even for a mercenary like him to grasp.[27] Relatedly to the more mysterious Sicario members, specifically Ronin, he takes a firm hand in maintaining the secrecy of their origins, though through placating dismissals and smiles.[6]

Following Sicario's destruction, he was vengeful against the Federation and cared more about Cascadia's freedom from the Federation and killing as many of them as he could than personal glory. This only increased when Presidia was bombed.[21]


"Kaiser" means "Emperor" in German (itself a loanword from the Latin "Caesar"), reflecting him being a leader of mercenaries, including (and similar to) Monarch, "the King." This is reinforced by his surname being predominantly German and coming from the Franks tribe and "Arnold" being derived from a German compound for "eagle-chief."

The callsign may be a nod to Haven Kendrick's previous work in the Warhammer 40,000-based web animation If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device.




Kaiser may be the "kniner" user in the prologue, supported by it being the byword for police dogs and his "wild dogs" quote in Mission 19.


  1. Sector D2 Limited. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Credits: Voice Actor.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 03: Homestead (Transcript).
  3. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Files Archive → Pilot Entries: Assassin Team.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Files Archive → Pilot Entries: Arnold Frenken.
  5. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Files Archive → Factions: Sicario.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Sector D2 Limited. (TBA). Project Wingman Artbook. p. N/A
  7. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Files Archive → Pilot Entries: AWACS | Galaxy.
  8. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 01: Black Flag (Transcript).
  9. 9.0 9.1 Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 02: Frontiers (Transcript).
  10. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 05: Sirens of Defeat (Transcript).
  11. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 06: Machine of the Mantle (Transcript).
  12. 12.0 12.1 Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 07: Eminent Domain (Transcript).
  13. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 09: Stepping Stone (Transcript).
  14. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 10: Pillars of Communications (Transcript).
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 11: Cold War (Transcript).
  16. 16.0 16.1 Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 12: Midnight Light (Transcript).
  17. 17.0 17.1 Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 13: Valkyrie's Call (Transcript).
  18. 18.0 18.1 Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 16: Wayback (Transcript).
  19. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Files Archive → World Entries: Prospero Disaster International Fallout.
  20. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 19: Red Sea (Transcript).
  21. 21.0 21.1 Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 20: Presidia (Transcript).
  22. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 21: Kings (Transcript).
  23. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Files Archive → World Entries: Post-Cascadian Conflict.
  24. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Files Archive → Pilot Entries: Assassin 1 | "Kaiser."
  25. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Frontline-59 Mission 01: Bottom of the Barrel (Transcript).
  26. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Frontline-59 Mission 06: Faust (Transcript).
  27. Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 17: No Respite (Transcript).
  28. I'm tempted to share character art All things WIP and not official of course Main characters-Discord statement by Matthew Nguyen August 9, 2017 3:55AM
  29. Comic and Dip Kaiser and Stardust -Discord statement by Matthew Nguyen, December 1, 2020, 2:25 AM