Sable 1-6

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We’re going by our TAC names for the duration of this contract. [...] If you break it, it's on your ass. You know how bounty hunters are if they have a name. Dismissed.
This article's name is a callsign, a codename, an occupation, or a nickname. There is no known real name for the subject.
Any changes to the article's title should reflect consensus.

"This is Sable 1-6 to Command, don't we have the Peacekeeping Squadron on tap?"
"Negative, they’re not in-country for a few days. Make do with what we have. The rebels are on the run and we’re mopping up the remaining resistance in town."
"We’re still getting hammered by enemy air."
"Copy all, we’ll send reinforcements as necessary."
― Sable 1-6 and Federation HQ[1]

Sable 1-6 is a member of the Federation Ground Forces Sable unit.


During the late stages of the capture of Presidia, Sable 1-6 questioned Federation HQ if Crimson Team was available for tasking, as he and his fellow troops were still taking damage from CIF air atacks. HQ stated they weren't for a few more days and that they will keep sending reinforcements.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 05: Sirens of Defeat (Transcript).