Unidentified Federation Commander (Grimwood)

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We are still combing through records, but it's thin.
This article's title is a conjecture. There is no official name for the article's subject slthough it contains canon information.
Any changes to the article's title should reflect consensus.
"Shooting down firefighters? I don't know about this..."
"The fires are our only cover. If you don't, the rebels will punch right through. You want that blood on your hands?"
"[sighs] God damn it..."
― A Federation pilot and the Commander[1]

This Commander was leading retreating Pacific Federation military units through the Grimwood Forest during the Cascadian Conflict.


During the CIF Offensive Campaign, the Commander ordered the forest to be set aflame to stall the Cascadian Independence Force's pursuit, and even ordered the shootdown of Cascadian Firefighting Corps planes trying to put out their fires against the hesitation of his subordinates. The fires were eventually insufficient, and as the CIF cornered him and his surviving units, one of his soldiers suggested they outright surrender, but the Commander refused. Eventually, however, he conceded and issued the following order:

"It's...God damn it...it's over. All units...strike your colors....throw down your arms. We surrender."


"We will have to surrender. There's no other option. The Crown is overhead and the enemy is right on our doorstep."
"You don't think they will just kill us anyway?!"
"If you don't call it, I will."
― A Federation soldier and the Commander over surrendering[1]

The Commander was willing to commit unrestrained arson on the environment for momentary tactical achievements and even shoot down public service workers such as firefighters to maintain them. He presumably had experience witnessing CIF troops mercilessly executing his fellow soldiers, which led to his reluctance to surrender.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Sector D2. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. Humble Games. Campaign Mission 14: Open Season (Transcript).