4-4 Actual

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We’re going by our TAC names for the duration of this contract. [...] If you break it, it's on your ass. You know how bounty hunters are if they have a name. Dismissed.
This article's name is a callsign, a codename, an occupation, or a nickname. There is no known real name for the subject.
Any changes to the article's title should reflect consensus.

"Hey Captain, are you sure that that pilot's gonna make it through?"
"He's good, post-action reports about him paint him as special."
― A discussion on Driver between Section 4-4

Captain "4-4 Actual" is the callsign of the leader of Federation Special Forces Section 4-4.


"I got a feeling our problems here in Magadan...will be resolved a lot faster than anticipated."
― The Captain after mission success

Sometime during the Cascadian Conflict's Magadan Invasion, Section 4-4 got involved in the invasion. The unfinished construction of Highway 1 was used by the SOF to bypass the Cascadian Independence Force frontlines. While traversing with little to no resistance, eventually locating the rebel command post coordinating the invasion, the section Captain heard from a subordinate a jab about the tunnel's size allowing aircraft inside.

She had an idea from the recon and suggested it to Federation High Command, which later led to a briefing on Mission Cantyll-59-Mono for the exceptional Air Reserve Division K-9 - specifically leader Driver. The idea was that a plane would be sent through Highway 1, and Driver was chosen for being reportedly special-rate, later compared subtly to the Federation Peacekeepers.

Section 4-4 headed back to Highway 1, deploying with regular Federation Ground Forces to pave Driver's way. Some were doubtful of his abilities, but as he approached the designated exit ramp, they opened the shutter and watched as Driver wreaked havoc. The Captain then led her men into the rebel officers' camp, clearing it out of life signs and then awaiting the airstrike's end. Once it was over, the section procured the rebel divisional invasion plans. This victory would allow Federation Military Forces to successfully push the rebels into retrograde.

Personality and traits

"It's a crazy play, and at worst for Crystal Kingdom, they get a pilot we have to scrape off the walls, but at best...full collapse of the Cascadian offensive."
― The Captain's results expectations

The Captain's diction is stilted slightly, talking casually with pauses. Her tone is at every time in high spirits, even during combat deployments.[2]

Behind the scenes

Matthew Nguyen originally pictured 4-4 Actual as a humorously blatant expy of Captain Price, a famous multi-continuity protagonist of the Call of Duty series. Traces of this idea can still be seen in 4-4 Bravo's tone. His "Australian lass" mention, along with her accent, implies her being from Oceania.

Nguyen was also asked during the conversation if General Faust's Black Eagle Actual callsign was a nod to General Shepherd, the main antagonist of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (and a side antagonist of the reboot series) whose callsign is Gold Eagle Actual; his only response was:

whats a reference[3]

Cut dialogue would have had personal greetings and partings between the Captain and Driver as well as a mention from her of Driver's myriad vehicular insurance claims on the highway giving credence to her trust in him. She would also have established Section 4-4 was on shore leave at the start of the invasion, ever since which they performed ISR.
