AWACS Moseley

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We’re going by our TAC names for the duration of this contract. [...] If you break it, it's on your ass. You know how bounty hunters are if they have a name. Dismissed.
This article's name is a callsign, a codename, an occupation, or a nickname. There is no known real name for the subject.
Any changes to the article's title should reflect consensus.

AWACS Moseley was the callsign of a Federation Air Force AWACS operator.


AWACS Moseley shot down

This AWACS, along with fellow operator AWACS Scimitar, was escorting Federation transports over Briggs Range during the Cascadian Conflict when Sicario's Hitman Team intercepted and shot them all down, along with Moseley and Scimitar and their fighter escorts.[1]


The AWACS is named after Justine Moseley, one of the Kickstarter backers.[2]

