Assassin Team

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Assassin Team is Sicario's flagship aerial unit, personally commanded by its leader, Arnold Frenken.


Assassin in Rowsdower

Assassin Team is known to fly the highest-spec planes found in Sicario. Their shock-and-awe flying style is meant to inspire fear in their foes. They are often deployed for the sole purpose of intimidation.[2] Their formation varies from just two aircraft including Frenken himself and a full four-plane formation.


Assassin in Presidia

Assassin Team, including Frenken, led the rest of Sicario in their entry into Cascadia during their civil war through the Fresnon Range,[3] as well as capturing Rowsdower Air Force Base for the Cascadian Independence Force and fellow mercenaries.[4]

Assassin going down

They also took part in the evacuation of Presidia as a two-plane flight,[5] and then a raid on Federation resource facilities with Gunsel Squadron to turn the war in the CIF's favor.[6][7] Returning as a three-plane flight, they participated in the furball over the Bering Strait.[8]

Assassin's other deployments are unknown, though it is apparent that they went with Frenken to the Periphery to gather reinforcements for the rebels.[9]

Over two months later on August 12, AC 432 during Operation Welder, Assassin, in a four-plane formation, led a large reinforcement group of mercenaries and CIF planes to sink the 1st Naval Battlegroup.[10] They also participated in the liberation of Presidia, and were all shot down by Crimson 1 in the Presidian Disaster.[11] How many wingmen survived is uncertain, though Frenken was able to bail out.[12]
