Fall of Presidia

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This article is about an in-universe event. For the in-game mission, see Sirens of Defeat.

"This is the evacuation defense units to anyone on this net, please respond, we have heavy attacks along our evacuation routes and are in need of immediate assistance!"
― CIF ground forces at Presidia

The Fall of Presidia was an event early in the Cascadian Conflict where the Pacific Federation aggressively seized the Cascadian capital of Presidia, where the civil war began. Part of the event was Operation Red Coast, an operation carried out by the Cascadian Independence Force to evacuate Presidia.


"In truth, we didn’t think we’d need you mercenaries at all, but unfortunately, what we hoped was going to be a relatively bloodless eviction of the Federation from our homeland has become an impossibility."
J. Griffiths

The Independence Force had planned Cascadia's secession from the Federation to be timed such that key locations would be taken and entrenched before reinforcements arrived from out of country. This goal failed to materialize, and in the afternoon of February 21, AC 432, the first full-scale military units, headed up by the 1st Naval Battlegroup, arrived to reinforce Federation garrisons, with Federation Peacekeepers arriving in a few days. Cascadian National Guard units in league with the Federation were given specific frequencies for comm security.

With the city's main urban centers lost in a matter of hours and at risk of losing too many troops to continue the rebellion, the CIF, with much reluctance, declared a tactical retreat to prevent further losses. Allied forces including Sicario and the recently saved Wild Boar Regiment were tasked with covering the evacuation by disrupting Federation forces, with General Morgan Elizabeth commanding the retreat operation.

The Presidian Police Forces was caught in the middle and became split between supporting the Federation takeover and resisting it. Federation Regional HQ advised units to engage only if necessary. An eight o'clock curfew was put in effect, and communications beyond the city were restricted, with the severest punishments for violators. Civilians still remaining sheltered and awaited the all-clear siren, advisably in basements.


"We have been obligated by the Federation to inform all citizens that an eight ‘o clock curfew is still in effect until further notice, any attempts to communicate outside of the country will be met with the strictest penalties. We advise all citizens remain sheltered in place, preferable in cellars, until the all-clear siren sounds."
News anchor in Presidia

The Federation launched heavy attacks against the bulk of retreating rebel forces by land, air and sea, and because of this, other units fought a rearguard action against them. Sicario split up and was advised by Independence Force HQ to not stray into the capital's port section, as the 1st Battlegroup was moored there and would fill the sky with their intensive AA fire.

Cascadian partisans entered the fray and made their own moves, evacuating civilians underground and/or passing them off to the IF. They also broke into the city hall to destroy all sensitive identifying documents that could be of any use to either side to stay confidential, and with communications about to go down upon hitting the countryside, they took the time to bid their farewells. However, it was because of their presence that the Federation loosened rules of engagement and urban warfare became complicated. Although civilian evacuations were suggested to be conducted as well by Federation units, they did it merely to relax excess collateral damage; buildings such as housing were still bombarded recklessly.

The CIF torched various locations in the city and abandoned vehicles as part of asset denial and took advantage of the lack of Federation AA units by using SAR EP-215s from Jesterfield. However, they had to leave behind a number of troops in downtown Presidia as sacrificial lambs. They also spent the time they had to sabotage transport routes out of the city to impede the Federation's pursuit as well as get armored and specialist units out first, as they would prove vital for the ground war. The evacuation was made more difficult because of jamming from the Solana Communications Array, forcing them to simply head north and organize as best as possible once they fled. They took over various locations as well temporarily to secure evacuation routes, and took cover in wrecks to avoid collateral damage.

Sicario shot down three waves of Federation fighters above the city, much to the surprise of a number of Federation troops and pilots, and engaged surface targets of opportunity, relieving pressure on Cascadian evacuation routes. They also shot down Federation airships over the urban areas, being cleared of any collateral. Due to their losses, the Federation gave up the chase, deciding to hunt down the stragglers over the following week.

Aftermath and legacy

" It wasn’t supposed to be like this..."
― Elizabeth after retreating

Ultimately, casualties during the retreat were minimized, but contact with remaining rebel units in Presidia was lost. Nevertheless, the Independence Force was able to extract some of its most experienced fighters, along with Federation defectors and civilians who sought to join the CIF after witnessing the Federation's reckless actions in Presidia. Overall, the rebels were now pushed to the brink, with Elizabeth lamenting the turn for the worst.

Presidia would be held for the remainder of the war up until its recapture and decimation six months later when the war ended.[2] Likewise, the 1st Battlegroup would remain to reinforce defenses and the naval supply chain.[3]

J. Griffiths was overheard on comms once making a suggestion to General Elizabeth to retreat as quickly as he could, which he sternly rejected due to his urban sabotage coordination before telling him to mind his objectives. General Faust, a fellow HQ officer, would use this exchange as character ammunition against her junior and excusing her belated retreat off Magadan during her void invasion, which she felt did not yet see to its goals. [4]
