Transcript:Magadan Front

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This page includes a transcript of "Magadan Front," the fifth and penultimate Frontline-59 mission of Project Wingman.

Deployment Order

Deployment Order No. CR-39


AWACS | Vita: K-9, your time in active service is about to come to an end, the Federation Military in its full strength has arrived.
K-9C | Cobb: [sighs] But...?
AWACS | Vita: It's all hands on deck for this last battle, we need everyone that we can get and K-9's performance in the last month has been crucial to the war effort. If we can force the Cascadians off Magadan, I believe it would be within my power to relieve the reservist force from their duties.
K-9C | Cobb: Yeah, yeah, just get the briefing underway, sooner we're done with this, the better.
K-9D | Brick: Age before beauty, Cobb.
K-9C | Cobb: Yeah, you’d know a little about that, wouldn’t you, old-timer?[note 1]
K-9D | Brick: A month being wingmen and you're still-
AWACS | Vita: With the majority of the Federation Military now in Magadan, we'll be once again using the Bering Strait as the corridor between the Federation and Cascadia. The importance of this route cannot be overstated, especially since regrettably,[note 2] a mercenary-led airstrike recently struck against our Pacific hub in Sawaiiki. Suffice to say, that particular route momentarily.
K-9B | Bookie: I was thinking about a vacation there after all of this, damn it.
AWACS | Vita: With this particular offensive, we will use the overwhelming force of the Federation to repel the Cascadians from our land, and from there, Cascadia will be returned to the fold. That, however, is not within your operational boundaries. We've now returned to the initial landfall site for the Cascadians, and if we can cut off their original landing point, we can effectively force them off Magadan. K-9, provide direct combat air support and terminate the enemy.

Mission Splash

Mission Kaibir-59
24°25'38" N, 84°2'10" W | Weather: Overcast | 1605 LOCAL TIME
Point Refuge - Cascadian Evacuation Point | Eastern Magadan

Mission Start

K-9D | Brick: Oh my God, what happened here?
AWACS | Vita: Our Special Forces picked up the Cascadian operation plan when Driver hit their base; General Faust's intention for invading Magadan hasn't been to take territory, it's been to destroy all of Magadan's geothermal and cordium industry.
K-9B | Bookie: That's... It's going to be a cold winter ahead.
AWACS | Vita: We staved off the worst of the damage thanks to you, now look alive.
Federation | Ground Force Officer: Brock 6 Actual, Brock 6 Actual to all forward elements, report to my callsign and kick off the operation. Section leaders, you have your orders, this is a sideshow before we get to Cascadia. K-9, I've heard good things about you and Driver, think you can help us clear the field?
K-9B | Bookie: We'll do what we can, Bookie engaging.
K-9C | Cobb: Cobb going for it.
K-9D | Brick: Brick engaged. Driver, get us in, buddy.
AWACS | Vita: K-9, engage.

Cascadia HQ | General Faust: This is Black Eagle Actual, it's time to leave the Federation to its fate, commence the battle.[note 3]
Cascadian Marine Officer: Are we done with our objectives here, General?
Cascadia HQ | General Faust: No, I'll need volunteers to complete our mission, but we have to send back as many as we can to Cascadia, we cannot hold as it is now.[note 4]

Federation Ground Forces: We are REDCON-1, everything to our front is hostile.

Federation | Ground Force Officer: Brock Charlie through Brock Foxtrot, report when engaged...Brock Gamma is on standby for quick reaction.

Federation Ground Forces: Visual scanning only, thermal scopes won't get through with this much cordium in the air.
Federation Ground Forces: Dead ahead! Contact, contact!

Federation | Ground Force Officer: All stations, call in fire support as necessary, don't waste CAS' time.

Federation Ground Forces: Brock Actual, we have Cascadian Marines moving, looks like a counterplay.
AWACS | Vita: Vita to K-9, targets designated are blockers to our advance, take them out to keep the assault[note 5] rolling.

Cascadia HQ | General Faust: They told me you mercs were worth your price, get out there and kill those dogs.
Mercenary Pilot (Male): Watch your tongue, things are changing around here.
Cascadia HQ | General Faust: You're lucky I wasn't there in those final hours, I would've finished the job, you lowlife scum!

Mercenary Pilot (Male): Alright, Driver, you're nothing more than a glorified bus boy, we're gonna shoot you down.

Federation Ground Forces: Some of the surviving reservists say they've never seen this place like's almost like summer in Cascadia.

Cascadian Marines (Male): We would be better off if our engies weren't off trying to break as much shit as they were off north, maybe we'd get some proper fortifications or something.
Cascadian Marines (Male): Yeah, it's a real bag of dicks right now.

Federation Ground Forces: Nice to see we have fast movers worth a damn.
Federation | Ground Force Officer: Maintain radio brevity. Lase all targets for CAS, I want JTAC to keep busy, practice for when we land in Cascadia.

Cascadian Marines (Male): We have Feds on our perimeter! Come on, is that all you got?!

Cascadian Marines (Male): There's no way that we can get out of here fast enough, the transport ships simply can't do it!

Cascadia HQ | General Faust: If you are not presently embarking, you are to go on the frontline and fight! Return the Federation to the Dust...make them die for what they stand for!

Cascadian Marines (Male): Stand fast, we'll grind them into Dust.

Cascadian Marines (Female): Have the arty drop their marks at least ten meters back, the Feds are gonna want to get right up next to us!

Cascadian Marines (Male): [pants] Where the hell are the mercenaries?!

Federation Ground Forces: It all comes down to air support, K-9...if you're listening, this all rests on you.

Federation Ground Forces: Pelt the forward line with Willie Pete, it'll mix in with the cordium, burn them out!

Cascadian Marines (Female): [grunts] It feels like I'm in the South Dustlands!
Cascadian Marines (Male): [grunts] Front, front, cook off the charges!

Federation Ground Forces: This is all supposed to be permafrost...

Federation Ground Forces (E-6): Enemy armor destroyed! Get to that position!

Federation Ground Forces: You brought this hell to my homeland, Cascadian, you belong here!

Federation Ground Forces: We peek our heads out, those machine gun positions and tanks will clip us. This is Brock Foxtrot, we need our air support!

Cascadian Marines (Male): Reservists? They're responsible for all of this?!

Cascadian Marines (Male): We tracked that tank, but its turret's still up, take cover!

Mercenary Pilot (Male): We... We've bit off more than we can chew, I think.
Mercenary Pilot (Male): Coward, get back here!

Cascadian Marines (Male): Black Eagle, we are taking heavy damage from the Federation air support overhead, please advise! [gunfire]

K-9B | Bookie: This is freaky, it feels like I'm in sync with Driver!
K-9D | Brick: Keep rolling with it! [gunfire]

Cascadia HQ | General Faust: There's nowhere to fall back to! This is war, it's kill or be killed!

Federation Ground Forces: Echo 4 took a glancing hit, but we've lost 7 and 8.
Federation | Ground Force Officer: Copy, Brock Gamma will move up to support, hold position until relieved. Have Brock Hotel rally up and send word to India and Juliet that they might be pulled from securing Highway 1.

Cascadia HQ | General Faust: I am giving authorization[note 6] to dump munitions and ordnance on all positions. It's my call: Salt the Earth.
Cascadian Marine Officer: Bombers from Rowsdower AFB and the Antares inbound, I repeat, it's Black Eagle's call: Salt the Earth.

AWACS | Vita: K-9, be advised we have bombers coming from 030, engage at your discretion.

Federation Ground Forces: I see those ships off the coast, why aren't they firing?

Phase 2

Federation RTO: We have inbound communications from Peacekeeper groups Steel, Jade, Onyx, Ivory, Black, and Tanager, they're requesting permission to enter the AO.
Federation | Ground Force Officer: them off and have them lock down their flanks.
Federation RTO: Copy. PK Crimson, however, is crossing the IDL immediately, what do we do?
Federation | Ground Force Officer: You think I have the authority to stop Crimson 1? Let them go.

Cascadia | CIFS Eminent Domain (Male): Eminent Domain on Whiskey Station.
Cascadia | Captain Woodward: How the hell did we lose the front in less than one month?
Cascadia | CIFS Eminent Domain (Male): Respectfully, Captain, I think we know how much a good pilot matters here.
Cascadia | Captain Woodward: [groans] Don't I know it, stand by for orders.

K-9C | Cobb: I need BDA on that last pass, anyone copy my last?[note 7]
K-9D | Brick: Just stay in formation with Driver.

Cascadia HQ | General Faust: It's the oldest goddamn war story, airpower ruling the day.
Cascadian Marine Officer: Ma'am...your personal fleet?
Cascadia HQ | General Faust: We can't deploy them, not here.
Cascadian Marine Officer: Then when?
Cascadia HQ | General Faust: One thing at a time, continue the evacuation.

Federation Ground Forces: Keep rolling, no snow means the tanks can spearhead better.
AWACS | Vita: Allied forces are reporting full engagement up and down the board. K-9, keep engaging as fragged.
K-9B | Bookie: Roger all.

Federation RTO: Brock to all Brock elements, ROE has remained the same: Terminate with extreme prejudice.
K-9C | Cobb: So this is what the war machine looks like, huh.

Federation Ground Forces (E-6): We go in with the airstrikes, they're our only openings!

Cascadian Marines (Female): They're going to bring this to Cascadia...

Cascadia | CIFS Eminent Domain (Male): Captain, naval fire support is not an option, Feds are now too close to Marine divisions.
Cascadia | Captain Woodward: Well, keep our AA primed, make sure those planes don't get any closer to those transports, and get me a line to both HQ and Black Eagle Actual.

Cascadian Marines (Male): All of our vehicles are just coffins, get out and run to the beaches!
Cascadian Marines (Male): You idiot, at least rig them to blow!

Federation RTO: Brock Delta is reporting UXOs and mines are being set up as the enemy formation breaks.
Federation | Ground Force Officer: Damn it, we have to keep pushing while we have the momentum...

Mercenary Pilot (Male): We can't give CAS, it's a mess down there!
Mercenary Pilot (Female): Is anyone getting conflicting orders from black birdie down there?
Mercenary Pilot (Male): Huh...?
Mercenary Pilot (Female): Oh, you sly bastard.

Federation Ground Forces: Merc pilots are hitting behind our lines!

Cascadian Marines (Male): Where'd our air support go?!

Federation RTO: Brock Foxtrot is reporting heavy casualties, they are combat inop.
Federation Ground Forces: Why'd they go after us? We weren't even on the frontline yet.

Cascadia HQ | General Faust: I can only give you so much support, the only thing we have left is this beachhead,[note 8] those reservist pilots are swatting down any counters I can order!

Cascadian Marines (Male): What could be wrong?![note 9]

Federation Ground Forces: Go, go, set up those firing positions, we'll shoot them in the back!

Federation Ground Forces (E-6): Air support is on the money!

Cascadian Marines (Male): Please don't let me die here, I beg you, Mother.

Cascadia | Captain Woodward: [grunts] We can't just sit here, send our screening frigates out to the shore.
AWACS | Vita: Watch it, K-9, we have heavy naval contact, engage at will.

Federation Ground Forces: Gunner, APC! Traverse right, steady!
Federation Ground Forces: On! Shoot!
Federation Ground Forces: On the way!

Cascadian Marines (Female): We never saw anything like this in Cascadia, are these the forces from the Periphery?!

Federation Ground Forces: You Cascadians drag us halfway across the world just to fight at home!
Federation | Ground Force Officer: Brock Echo, stay off the line if you don't have anything useful to say.

Federation Pilot (Male): Don't let K-9 steal the show, they'll make us regulars look bad.

Cascadian Marines (Male): Aw fuah-it's hard to breathe.

Federation Ground Forces: I'm starting to feel sand beneath our feet.

Federation Ground Forces: Time to target should be near-instantaneous, go on all fire missions.

Phase 3

Federation RTO: Brock Delta reports at least 80 KIA Charlie Romeos on Position Maxwell.
Federation | Ground Force Officer: Proceed on pace.

K-9D | Brick: We're in the zone, just...more cogs in this machine now...

Cascadia HQ | Stardust: General Faust, you're several days behind schedule on the pullback, you should not be in Magadan!
Cascadia HQ | General Faust: This war has changed, Griffiths, you heard what Elizabeth told you when we lost Presidia, stay in your lane!
Cascadia HQ | Stardust: We're several days out from Prospero and we're projected to take Presidia in less than a month, you are needed here!
Cascadia HQ | General Faust: Don't talk to me about what's needed, you're making a Deal you know nothing about. No more half measures, no more ideas that this is just an independence war. I need volunteers, I don't care if you're mercenaries or my fellow countrymen, in order to secure the future, we are going to go on a mission.
Cascadia HQ | Stardust: Belay that order, if anyone goes, you will be left behind...don't you dare abandon your country.
Mercenary Pilot (Male): [chuckle] Our country?
Cascadia HQ | Stardust: Faust!
Cascadian Marines (Male): We're going with Faust, it's better than just waiting to sit here and die.
Mercenary Pilot (Male): Hell, why not?

Cascadia | CIFS Eminent Domain (Male): Faust has abandoned her command post.
Cascadia | Captain Woodward: What the hell is she doing?! Screw it, this is...Captain Woodward of the warship Eminent Domain, I will be assuming command of the evacuation operation. Maintain current orders, we'll get you out of here.

Federation Ground Forces (E-6): Enemy formations are falling apart!
Federation Ground Forces: Report it up the line, we've got POWs!
Federation Ground Forces: Look at me, you piece of shit, tell me what you did to this country!

Cascadian Marines (Male): We’re dead, we’re dead!

Mercenary Pilot (Female): It's all fallen apart. Uh, hey guys and gals, let's get out of here before we get in over our heads. Stardust can't stop us all, follow me, pretty sure Lord Strannick has a strip up here.

K-9B | Bookie: Do we keep engaging?
K-9C | Cobb: You act like it's our choice.

Cascadian Marines (Male): Oh no, I can see the beach from here.

Cascadian Marines (Male): Use our wrecks as cover, it's all we've got!
Cascadian Marines (Male): How about from above?!

Federation | Ground Force Officer: Alright, we've closed them off enough, go for the dogs and hunds.
Federation Ground Forces: Let them loose! [barking dogs]
Cascadian Marines (Male): What the f-?! We have attack dogs within the wire, attack dogs! [barking dogs] Make it stop...make it stop! [gunfire]


Cascadia | CIFS Eminent Domain (Male): ALCON, ALCON, ALCON, this is the warship Eminent Domain on all channels flagging using the keycomm codes inherited from the FNS Jerusalem, hailing all Pacific Federation channels requesting communique with the commanding officer of Federation forces in Magadan.
Federation RTO: Sir, they're calling for you.

Federation | Ground Force Officer: Put them on. This is the Federation frontline commander of the forces currently engaged with you, Cascadian commander, go ahead with communique.
Cascadia | Captain Woodward: The fortunes of this war change day by day. In this battle, fortune...favors the Federation, and you will force us off Magadan, I admit this and I ask for a momentary truce and cessation of hostilities for all active Cascadian Independence Force units to evacuate and leave. You have my word that we will return directly to Cascadia, no one else needs to die.
Federation | Ground Force Officer: Whether you retreat or fight today, the outcome is the same.

Cascadia | Captain Woodward: This war is going to be over soon, there's no more need for this to go on.
Federation | Ground Force Officer: RTO, verify up the wire immediately, my verification code.
Federation RTO: Copy, making the inquiry, standby...standby...standby... Understood, relaying... Crystal Kingdom denies the request,
Federation RTO: proceed with hostilities.
Federation | Ground Force Officer: Very well. Continue the engagement, cut this channel to the rebels, strike all codes from the Jerusalem.
Cascadia | Captain Woodward: What?! You're going to kill them all?!
Cascadia | CIFS Eminent Domain (Male): Several squadrons tagged with Peacekeeper IFF have started vectoring toward our position now, we need to move!
Cascadia | Captain Woodward: We still have men on the beaches!
Cascadia | CIFS Eminent Domain (Male): Sir!
Cascadia | Captain Woodward: Those bastards! All ships, stand by for the last recoveries and then move out.
Cascadian Marines (Male): The ships, they’re leaving us!
Federation | Ground Force Officer: what needs to be done.
K-9: Roger.

Last targets

PK Ulaanbaatar | Steel 1: AWACS Vita, be advised PK Steel and Tanager are moving in hot. We'll drive off the combat vessels, K-9 will deal with the killbox we make.
AWACS | Vita: Roger that, Khan. K-9, Driver, you heard all that? Wipe the Cascadians from the Federation.
K-9C | Cobb: Let's finish this.

Cascadian Marines (Male): Take as many of them with us, the war goes on!

K-9B | Bookie: This is what it always comes down to, someone wins and someone loses.

K-9D | Brick: Go back to your country!

Federation Ground Forces (E-6): Stand and fire!
Federation Ground Forces: All forces, close up the perimeter!

Cascadian Marines (Male): You're all gonna get what's coming to you, damn you all! [panting, screams]

Federation | Ground Force Officer: Engage until enemy is no factor, no one invades the Federation.

Cascadian Marines (Male): Dust take me...return me home.

Cascadian Marines (Female): From Dust I came...and to Dust I shall return.
Federation Ground Forces: Get away from him, he's holding a grenade!

Cascadian Marines (Male): [grunts] Damn this world... My kids...will burn down...the Federation...

PK Ulaanbaatar | Steel 1: We need to get into Cascadia, the Peacekeepers will finish this conflict, run everything else over.
Federation | Ground Force Officer: Of course, Your Highness.

Last targets wiped

Cascadia | CIFS Eminent Domain (Male): All contact lost with the forces left onshore, the invasion is over. Sir, we're reporting casualties on all decks, the Peacekeepers-
Cascadia | Captain Woodward: Helm, go 030, we are getting out of this AO. All stations, fire as they bear! I hope Faust got what she wanted! Damn her, damn them all!
Federation RTO: All Brock elements are reporting enemy resistance has ceased.
Federation | Ground Force Officer: Copy all, this battle goes out to the flyboys overhead. Commence cleanup and bring in the transport ships once we're in the clear, we're moving to Cascadia within 24 hours.
PK Ulaanbaatar | Steel 1: Chase that battleship! All Peacekeepers, drive them away!
AWACS | Vita: K-9, Cascadia has been repelled off Magadan, the battle has been won.
K-9C | Cobb: About goddamn time. K-9C heading back.
K-9B | Bookie: K-9B...getting out of here.
K-9D | Brick: Delta...heading home.
AWACS | Vita: K-9A, good job out there, RTB.


AWACS | Vita: In less than a month thanks to you, Division K-9, and your supreme piloting skills, Cascadia has been driven off from Magadan and the Federation has been secured. Federation forces are now streaming across the Bering Strait again and landing in Cascadia in order to put an end to their rebellion. Under normal circumstances, K-9 would be deactivated and you would be allowed to return to your regular lives.
K-9C | Cobb: [sighs] Just rip the bandage off, Vita.
AWACS | Vita: K-9 is being asked to be on standby as General Faust is being hunted down. Although the main invasion force has been dealt with, her splinter group has yet to be found. ISR is chasing down leads; however, until Faust is dealt with, K-9 will have to be on call.


  1. Subtitles omit "wouldn’t you”.
  2. Misspelled "regreted".
  3. Audio omit "We've done what work we can." after "Actual".
  4. Subtitles omit "as we can”.
  5. Misspelled "assualt".
  6. Misspelled "authroization".
  7. Audio omits "My last".
  8. Misspelled "beachead".
  9. Subtitles say "went".