Transcript:Express Lane

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This page includes a transcript of "Express Lane," the fourth Frontline-59 mission of Project Wingman.

Deployment Order

Deployment Order No. CR-39


AWACS | Vita: You all don't have to be here for this briefing, K-9, just Driver.
K-9C | Cobb: What are you gonna do, throw us out? We've got a vested interest in our best pilot here.
K-9B | Bookie: Driver's our main overlay, we got a lot riding on him and I don't like being kept in the dark.
K-9D | Brick: Consider it...worker solidarity.
AWACS | Vita: If you insist... Every day, more and more of the regular Federation Military is able to get up to the frontline here in Magadan; however, it is because of Magadan that we cannot have these forces transfer over and reinforce our contingents remaining in Cascadia. Crystal Kingdom has determined that we cannot afford to fight a protracted ground war in Magadan, if we do so, we will lose Cascadia within a month. On top of that, we're getting reports that Magadan's cordium and geothermal infrastructure is being torn apart, we cannot let this stand. Of the many offensive plans being drafted up, there is one that is...inspired, and due to the nature of the situation,[note 1] we are going through with it. Because of this, you are being sent on a mission that...uniquely only you can be allowed to go on. I'll let our Special Forces liaison explain:
Federation | SOF Section 4-4 (Actual): This is Highway 1, least the start of it: It's the infrastructure project which intends to connect the entire Federation from Magadan all the way out to Byzantium; unfortunately, the Cascadian frontline overtakes quite a bit of it in Magadan. Now, we've been using the construction of Highway 1 here in Magadan as a makeshift transit corridor due to it being underground,[note 2] not much resistance because it's only been us, and...we've been in and out like rats. One of my men joked that, well...the tunnel was big enough that you a plane through there. The main command base that is maintaining cohesion behind their frontline isn't too far from one of the planned exit ramps on Highway 1. Now, all things considered, the Cascadians are well-aware that we've got some nasty pilots and...have been buffing up their AA on the frontline, but if we go behind and strike at their nerve center... It's a crazy play, and at worst for Crystal Kingdom, they get a pilot we have to scrape off the walls,[note 3] but at best...full collapse of the Cascadian offensive.
AWACS | Vita: Driver, your orders are to fly into Highway 1, use it to make your way past the frontline, and then emerge out of an exit to strike at the enemy HQ, if you pull this off, it'll expedite everything including whether or not K-9 can stand down. This will be a test of your skills like no other, Driver, but...we wouldn't have asked you if we didn't think you could do it.
K-9D | Brick: Holy hell...
K-9B | Bookie: Uhh, yeah. Driver, I think you've got this one.

Mission Start

Federation | SOF Section 4-4: Section 4-4 Bravo to breaching party, 4-4 Bravo has secured its section and is awaiting infil.[note 4] Be advised, we've spotted stuck grates on the way through, so you might have to shoot them up to punch through.
AWACS | Vita: Roger, Section, beginning operation. Driver, be advised we'll be losing radar contact when you're in's all on you now.
Federation Ground Forces: The on-ramp is secure. Everyone, hold onto something, that backwash when that plane comes in will send you flying!
Federation Ground Forces: Sounds kinda fun actually.

  • K-9A WSO | Eye-Tee: Why'd you bring me for this, asshole?! There was no goddamn reason you needed me here!

Enter tunnel entrance/Mission Splash

Mission Cantyll-59-Mono
24°25'38" N, 84°2'10" W | Weather: Clear | 0205 LOCAL TIME
Gulf of Anadyr | Highway 1

Tunnel progress

Federation Ground Forces: Clean insertion, it's up to him now.
Highway 1 PA System AI: Please obey highway regulations. Current Traffic Flow: ERROR ERROR ERROR

  • K-9A WSO | Eye-Tee: My eyes are going to be shut the entire time-Hoh, oh shit, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.[note 5]

Highway 1 PA System | News Report: This is Satoshi Kono with FNN East, we bring to you continuing coverage of the illegal Cascadian invasion in Magadan. We talked to both displaced residents of Magadan and our brave Federation troops moving to the frontlines, highlighting the depravity of the Cascadians against the innocent people of our Federation. Before we get to that report, however, if you have any information about loved ones or friends stuck in Cascadian territory, both now in Magadan and in Cascadia itself, we urge you to call this hotline immediately so that the Federation State Department can assist them.

Highway 1 PA System AI: Weather Update: ERROR ERROR ERROR with high cordium concentration. Have your Level-6 or above safety mask available for aboveground travel, thank you!

Cascadian Marines (Male): I know it's good that we've fought the Feds to a standstill here, but the more we wait in place, the more of their regular forces are coming.

Federation | SOF Section 4-4: Hey Captain, are you sure that that pilot's gonna make it through?
Federation | SOF Section 4-4 (Actual): He's good, post-action reports about him paint him as special.
Federation | SOF Section 4-4: Is of them?
Federation | SOF Section 4-4 (Actual): Don't know, but all that matters now is him getting through this tunnel.

Highway 1 PA System AI: In approximately five minutes, next off-ramp! Thank you for using Highway 1, courtesy of the Pacific Federation Highway Office!

Highway 1 PA System AI: Warning, excessive speeding is a hazard to your fellow drivers!

Cascadian Marines (Male): Highway sensors are going off. Probably nothing, you see how fast they're going?
Cascadian Marines (Male): It's probably secondaries from what Faust is doing on the coast, don't worry about it.

Highway 1 PA System | News Report: In other news today, Cascadian assets throughout the Federation continue to be seized; however, investigations report that many bank accounts and funds held by Cascadians were found drained in the weeks before the initial fighting. On the topic of money, markets continue to plummet in both the Federation and abroad in the UKA and African Concordat, with many production lines usually relying on Cascadian cordium and material running silent. Federation refineries in Magadan were originally scheduled to up production; however, the invasion on the coast has delayed these efforts, with investor confidence in a freefall according to the managers in the Corporate City.

Cascadian Marines (Female): You hear how the war is going back home?
Cascadian Marines (Male): Yeah, really well...I hear once the big-name mercs are wrapped up over there, they're gonna be sending them over.
Cascadian Marines (Female): Huh, oh man, then this war's really going to be over.

Highway 1 PA System AI: Did you know that starting this year, dangerous drivers will be automatically caught and ticketed by high-speed cameras? Failure to pay delivered fines to your registered address may result in jail time.

Federation | SOF Section 4-4: Hear that? That fighter jockey's almost made it through.
Highway 1 PA System AI: Vandalism is not tolerated, alerting authorities now.

Cascadian Marines (Male): What's with that rumbling?

Cascadian Marines (Male): Do you think the General intends to pull out of Magadan?
Cascadian Marines (Female): If we get enough forces here, we could very much hold it.

Federation | SOF Section 4-4: It's like rolling thunder.

Cascadian Marines (Female): Is that... What...a plane?! Radio topside, they've got incoming.

Cascadian Marines (Male): Yes, a plane! No, I'm not kidding, get your head out of your ass!

Cascadian Marines (Male): Who's the type of idiot that even does this?

  • K-9A WSO | Eye-Tee: [pants] Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit![note 6]

Highway 1 PA System AI: Stay in the: Left lane in order to get on the off-ramp.
Federation | SOF Section 4-4: He's coming in hot!
Federation | SOF Section 4-4 (Actual): Open the shutters!

Exit tunnel

Cascadian Marines (Male): What in the goddamn...?! We've got a plane right on top of us!
Cascadia | Command Staff: Scramble the choppers and roll out the double A, they're all we have.
Cascadia | Command Staff: This far behind the frontline?! I-I thought we were safe!
AWACS | Vita: Driver, you're back on radar, give them hell.

  • K-9A WSO | Eye-Tee: We're alive?! Weapons hot!

Cascadian Marines (Male): Where the hell did they come from?!
Cascadian Marines (Male): Out of Highway 1?!
Cascadian Marines (Female): That maniac!

Cascadia | Command Staff: General Faust, they're attacking our command post!
Cascadia HQ | General Faust: What?! Aren't you using the new battle plans I sent you?!
Cascadia | Command Staff: They sent a plane through the underground highway, we couldn't have-
Cascadia HQ | General Faust: Unbelievable, I'll have to pull men off the sabotage operation.
Cascadia | Command Staff: What about us, ma'am?
Cascadia HQ | General Faust: Get off the line, Black Eagle Actual out.

Cascadia | Command Staff: We're all dead![note 7]

Federation | SOF Section 4-4 (Actual): Let's move, we have execute authority on all Cascadian officers, we'll move in when K-9A finishes up.

Cascadian Marines (Male): This is CP, we're under attack, we’re sustaining massive damage![note 8]

Cascadian Marines (Male): We can't coordinate a defense.

Cascadian Marines (Male): Shoot, shoot![note 7]

Cascadian Marines (Male): We just lost almost every single officer above Captain just now!
Cascadian Marines (Male): We-We can't know that for sure!
Cascadian Marines (Male): Look at that tent and tell me anyone survived!

Cascadian Marines (Male): We have reports from all Black Eagle divisions west of Arizona Station, the Federation has started offensive operations and we need orders!
Cascadian Marines (Male): There's no one left to give orders, do what you can!
Cascadian Marines (Male): Hello...?! Hello?! God damn it, we're losing units on the frontline!

Cascadian Marines (Male): Chain of command is breaking and our fire support pipeline is nonexistent now, what the hell happened?!
Cascadian Marines (Male): The-The entire chain of command died.

Cascadian Marines (Male): Run, just get away from here, we'll regroup when Faust calls the rally!

Neutralize firebase

AWACS | Vita: K-9A, all targets eliminated! This is AWACS Vita to all frontline units, the head has been cut off, I repeat, the head has been cut off. Driver, RTB.
Federation | SOF Section 4-4 (Actual): Well, well, what have we got here, Cascadian divisional battle plans? I got a feeling our problems here in Magadan...will be resolved a lot faster than anticipated.


K-9D | Brick: Vita‘s so far up his ass with coordinating the counteroffensive right now that he didn't even have time to debrief you, so, uh...hey.
K-9C | Cobb: I'll keep it real with you, Driver, I thought you were roadkill out there, so I'm out a few big ones...[sigh] can you blame me?
K-9D | Brick: Alright, alright, enough about that. Vita did message off some bullet points, but I'll summarize the important parts for you: Good job, you pulled off a miracle out there, and thanks to you...this whole Cascadian business might be wrapped up soon. That being said, I'm sure we'll be out there soon enough, so...hey, go take a rest, Driver, you earned it, I got a feeling this'll get worse before it gets better.


  1. Subtitles omit "the" from "the situation".
  2. Subtitles say "as a makeshift transit corridor due to it being underground here in Magadan".
  3. Subtitles add "that".
  4. Subtitles omit "is".
  5. Subtitles omit fifth “nope”.
  6. Subtitles omit sixth “shit”.
  7. 7.0 7.1 This line is not subtitled.
  8. Subtitles add "and".