Satoshi Kono

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Satoshi Kono is a news reporter for FNN East.


During the Cascadian Conflict's Magadan Invasion, Kono broadcasted footage of the "illegal" Cascadian Independence Force incursion, interviewing Federation Military Forces personnel and refugee Magadane. He also urged people with relationships to reach out to the Federation State Department to call his specified hotline for the imperiled. Further reports included Cascadian financial assets being found drained pre-war and the superpowers' economic downturns due to the war. The last known report is geothermal production by Magadane refineries being stalled by the rebel invasion, and Corporate City investors losing faith.

Personality and traits

Kono appears to be a pro-Federation mouthpiece, denouncing the legitimacy of the rebel invasion while apparently overlooking the Federation invasion of the Cascadian mainland and praising Federation servicemembers and the endurance of their citizens. His sensationalist style has some contemporary truth, however, given the invasion's true purpose being to cause as much as possible environmental chaos in both Magadan and the Federation through the countervalue destruction of the former's geothermal industry.[2]


"Satoshi" is a Japanese name meaning "intelligent/bright/wise/leader." "Kono" is a much-varied surname with multiple readings that all sync with "field." This suggests originating from a Japanese-sourced locale like Kanto.

His name strongly resembles Japanese film director and manga artist Satoshi Kon.
