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"This is Major Rudmere, my tank is meeting zero hostile resistance, Federation troops are either no factor or surrendering outright. A lot of them are Cascadian nationals, what's the call?"
"Tag and send back behind the line, we'll grab any intel we can."
― Rudmere and Morgan Elizabeth[1]

Major Rudmere was a tank commander in the Cascadian Army Wild Boar Regiment.


During the siege at the Salvemini Vineyards in the Cascadian Conflict, Rudmere's tank was tracked by Federation Ground Forces units and he stayed behind to cover his allies' retreat.[2]

After serving with his regiment for close to four months, he participated in the liberation of Prospero and reported a lack of enemy resistance due to a combination of inop and surrendering Federation units, who are mainly Cascadian natives. His General ordered him to tag and send the soldiers back behind the line for intel acquisition.

He was very likely killed in the ensuing Prospero Disaster.[1]


Rudmere is named after a Kickstarter backer.[3]
