Silverback 1

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We’re going by our TAC names for the duration of this contract. [...] If you break it, it's on your ass. You know how bounty hunters are if they have a name. Dismissed.
This article's name is a callsign, a codename, an occupation, or a nickname. There is no known real name for the subject.
Any changes to the article's title should reflect consensus.

"This is Silverback 1, we’re Tiger for new tasking. Redirecting for area saturation at Phase Line Yellow."
― Silverback 1[1]

Silverback 1 was the leader of Federation Air Force bomber squadron Silverback.


During the siege at the Salvemini Vineyards in the Cascadian Conflict, Silverback 1 was sent to drop bombs at Phase Line Yellow. He was shot down over the area afterwards.[1]
