Cascadian Conflict Ceasefire

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"Word from the top down, something is happening out of country. I'm not privy to it, but we have to hold as much leverage as we can."
― Federation sailor in the Pacific Ocean[1]

The Cascadian Conflict Ceasefire was an internationally managed ceasefire hosted by the United Kerneuropa Alliance in the Republic of Albion. The ceasefire was kept secret from both sides of the Cascadian Conflict from at least August 12, AC 432[1] until it was put into play during the Second Battle of Presidia, since both sides tried securing as much territory as they could before it was signed. Although Federation High Command insisted the war could still be won by holding the Cascadian capital of Presidia until then, the ceasefire ended up in the Cascadian Independence Force's favor following their seizure of almost the entirety of the city.[2]

Almost immediately after the ceasefire was put into play, Crimson 1 violated it by bombing the capital, utterly destroying it.[3]

Partial transcript

"The Parties, participating in a neutral conference held in the land of the Republic of Albion, hosted by the United Kerneuropa Alliance, with a view of ending the war and restoring peace in relation to Cascadia on the basis of respect to the self-actualization of the Cascadian people, have agreed on the following and undertake to respect and implement them following a-"
