Anura-class air cruiser

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The Anura-class air cruiser is the smallest known type of airship seen in the After Calamity Era.


The most basic type of airship encountered, Anuras are twin-engined airships that feature a distinctive flying wing design. They have a wingspan of 312 meters and a length of 143 meters. These air cruisers are armed with only four anti-air weapons limited to AA guns and SAMs. The better variants have more advanced AA and SAM variants, with the Mk.III being almost entirely loaded with SAMs and only one CIWS.

The Cascadian Independence Force's Anuras have gray bodies with black stripes, while the Pacific Federation's own stripes are blue-white. Other than military use, the Anura has found service in transporting civilian personnel and passengers in large numbers.[1]


The Federation is first known to have deployed the Anura-class in the Cascadian Conflict during the evacuation in a flight of four, including two from the PDF. They were sent in as reinforcements, but were all shot down by the CIF.[2] They also stationed a pair of them for defending the Apodock Fracture; both were, once again, shot down during a raid on the facility by mercenary forces.[3] All Anuras around this time were basic models. They stationed an Anura II at the Solana Communications Array[4] and had a total five Anuras in Task Force 1, including the Nag and the Silverwing, all of which were shot down or sunk in their posts.[5]

Cascadia's Cascadian White Fleet had two unarmed Anura's in service pre-war, by which time they were militarized to Mk.I configuration by Independence Force HQ General Faust.[6] In the wake of her Magadan Invasion, she used them along with the entire White Fleet in a lone attempt to destroy Base Station Zero, the country's largest and last geothermal facility. Both Anura's were the first to engage Air Reserve Division K-9, but were shot down.[7]

The rebels in addition fielded at least three Anuras in the final battles of the war; a Mk.II and two Mk.Is. Crimson 1 shot down all of the airships deployed to Presidia right before bombing the capital.[8][9]


Anura possibly comes from the taxonomic order of the same name, which mostly contains frogs. This may be a reference to the amphibious capabilities of the airships.



A Federation Anura can be seen flying about in the menu before leaving the scene.
