AWACS Vita/Quotes

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List of quotes from AWACS Vita, Oceania-native Federation Air Force AWACS and de facto Division K-9 commander:

Project Wingman

Campaign quotes

Bottom of the Barrel

  • AWACS | Vita: You’re the only ones that showed up?
    K-9B: We’re the lowest on the chain for the reserves, no one on our level ever expects to be activated.
    AWACS | Vita: Didn’t you know there was a war going on?!
  • AWACS | Vita: The rest of Magadan’s Reserve Divisions already deployed an hour ago. Amateurs... You’re Division K-9, correct?
    K-9B: I swear there was more to our company, uh, should we wait for the rest?
    AWACS | Vita: That doesn’t matter now. K-9A, you’re designated flight leader, takeoff and proceed to the mission area.
  • Alright, at least you can get your aircraft off the ground. This is Airborne Warning and Control Systems aircraft Vita, I've been sent by Federation Command to pick up any remaining reservists in Magadan...sound off on your TAC names. -After takeoff.
  • Can you amateurs make anything easy for me? Make something up. -After initial insubordination for callsign roll call
  • AWACS | Vita: Well, if that’s the pattern. K-9A, you’re Driver. Division K-9, push bearing 010, you're going to be wading in as support for a large aerial action over the Bering Strait.
    K-9C | Cobb: And you think we're gonna make a difference?
    AWACS | Vita: I didn't get dragged all the way up from Oceania for my orders to be questioned, carry them out.
  • AWACS | Vita: Hold on, stand by... What?!
    ???: Raising anyone on this net, we are under attack!
    AWACS | Vita: I'm trying to raise High Command, but nothing is getting through, where are you going?! The battle is still on! -Just before battle
  • Multiple mercenary IFFs crossing into Magadan airspace. K-9, hold your ground! What a goddamn mess... -Start of battle
  • You mean to tell me you're all combat-ineffective?
  • AWACS | Vita: It's chaos right now; Command screwed up somewhere, the Cascadians routed our forces, and we lost the entire transport operation.
    K-9D | Brick: What air transport operation?
    AWACS | Vita: Don't worry about it. Division K-9, you have new orders: Cover any damaged and retreating Federation Air Force aircraft from mercenary forces.
  • K-9, engage! -Second phase
  • Crystal Kingdom mobilized every fighter they had to join in over the Bering Strait, you're all that's left now. -When asked by Bookie about the status of other Magadane fighters
  • All aircraft, vector directly to Anadyr AFB, the Reserve Division will cover you.
  • Stay focused! -Rebuking Bookie for reiterating an airpower question
  • HQ comms is spotty right now, it's like all of Crystal Kingdom is in chaos!
  • AWACS | Vita: K-9, good work so far, allied forces are still rolling in, so keep up the coverage.
    K-9D | Brick: And how about reinforcements?
    AWACS | Vita: They're still days away, you don't understand how much operational capacity has been ruined.
  • What?! One fighter did this? Impossible.
  • We have the last group of stragglers coming across the line, designate Peacekeeping Squadron...Crimson...? -Before Thorn Rose Gang bK-9, shoot them all down!oss phase
  • K-9, vector to the Cascadian Peacekeepers, get them to safety! -Just before boss phase
  • K-9, shoot them all down!
  • You're squaring off against the Thorn Rose Group, mercenary pilots from the Equatorial Periphery. No-good lowlives...
  • Half gone! -Progress on Thorn Roses
  • AWACS | Vita: K-9, we need you to RTB immediately, it's all gone wrong.
    K-9D | Brick: Was that...all of the survivors? There were only a dozen.
    AWACS | Vita: We're lucky that there were even that many, the Cascadians have turned to those godless mercenaries to fight their war, and they are making a mistake that they can never come back from.
  • AWACS | Vita: It was the closest place we could reroute survivors, the next airbase over is full.
    K-9D | Brick: This isn't even an airport, it's just a seasonal runway...the only reason we have our combat aircraft here is to give the local mechanics jobs.
    AWACS | Vita: Well, get used to it. I don't like it anymore than you do, but this, like you, are all we have to work with. I'm sure you know that reports from Cascadia haven't been entirely illuminating, but you've seen with your own eyes what's going on...because of that, you are now being called to serve. According to the statutes enshrined in the Federation Charter and the joint articles of defense as issued by the parties between the Magadan Territories and the Pacific Federation, Magadan's Reserve Divisions are being mobilized and federalized.
    K-9C | Cobb: Hrmmm, when I joined the Reserves, I agreed to help out with earthquakes, the occasional smuggler intercept, and even those stupid parades down by the capital, but not this...I didn't sign up to get thrown into a meatgrinder.
    AWACS | Vita: Then pray today was the worst of it, just a flare up from overeager mercenaries with the confidence they've gotten with Cascadia's backing. Driver, I don't know about your leadership skills, but for now, this squadron organization works, especially after today; you saved lives and performed far better than even I would have anticipated. Right now, with K-9, you will be perhaps the most frontline fighter squadron here in Magadan. The safety of the Federation is in your hands as we regroup, get ready, we'll need you back in the air ASAP.

Home Invasion


Express Lane

Magadan Front


Cut quotes

Bottom of the Barrel

  • Driver, scratch one! -Shooting down a Thorn Rose
  • Come on, K-9, finish this!

Home Invasion


Express Lane

Magadan Front


Gameplay quotes

When you attain gun range

  • K-9A, good tone.
  • In gun range.
  • Good tone, good tone.

When you run low on ammo

  • K-9A, weapon stores low.
  • Driver, be advised your weapons are running dry.
  • Driver, watch your inventory, running low.
  • You're running low, Driver, make it last.

When you drop bombs (UGBS/UGBL)

  • Bombs away, heads up.
  • K-9A/Driver, bombs/ordinance away.

When you get locked on

  • Enemy's locking onto you.
  • Go evasive!
  • Hostiles getting radar lock!
  • Hostiles locked on!
  • Hostiles locking on, break!
  • Radar lock on you, Driver!
  • The enemy is on you!
  • Warning, you’re being tracked!

When you have a missile tracking you

  • Driver, you've got incoming!
  • [Driver!] Incoming!
  • Enemies firing at you, Driver!
  • Evasive!
  • Go defensive, Driver!
  • Incoming fire!
  • Incoming missile, evade!
  • Incoming, go evasive!
  • K-9A, missile on you!

When you take missile damage

  • Driver, fly better than that!
  • K-9A, damage sustained.
  • K-9A, you've taken damage.
  • K-9Alpha, you've sustained a hit.

When you shoot down an enemy

  • Driver, another one knocked!
  • Driver shot one down!
  • Enemy down/killed!
  • Enemy [plane] shot down.
  • Fast mover KIA!
  • Hostile down!
  • K-9A, splash one.
  • Knocked out!
  • Positive kill!

When you launch an RTM/SAA (Radar Tracking Missile/Semi Active Radar Missile)

  • K-9A/Driver, Fox One/Two/Three!
  • Driver, good release, Fox Two/track the target!
  • Fox Two, good shot.
  • Driver, hold lock.
  • Fox One/Two/Three! [Fox One/Two/Three!]
  • Good separation, radar tracking missile.
  • Good separations.

When you attain gun range

  • Go for guns!
  • Guns hot!
  • Guns, guns, guns!
  • Open up with the cannon, Driver!
  • Shoot your gun!
  • Within gun range!

When your missile hits an enemy plane

  • Enemy damaged!
  • Finish/Kill them!
  • Positive contact. Finish them off, Driver!
  • Rack up another shot!
  • Target damaged/hit!
  • They're still going, hit them!

When you destroy an enemy

  • Bullseye!
  • Enemy destroyed.
  • Ground asset eliminated!
  • Ground strike successful.
  • Ground unit eliminated!
  • HVT destroyed/eliminated/shot down!
  • High-value target out of action!
  • Target down/eliminated/out of the picture!
  • Terminated with extreme prejudice!

When you attain missile lock

  • Driver, locked on!
  • Good lock!
  • Hard lock!
  • K-9A, good tone.
  • K-9A, locked on.
  • Locked on target!
  • Positive lock!
  • Shoot them, Driver!

When your missile tracks an enemy

  • Driver, missile away/fired/shot.
  • Driver, opening fire.
  • Missile off the rail!
  • Missile on the way.
  • Missile shot/tracking!

When your missile misses

  • Driver missed a shot.
  • Driver, missile off target.
  • K-9A, missile off target.
  • Missile didn’t connect!
  • Shot missed. [Go again!]
  • Try again!
  • You missed!


  • Be advised, new targets popping up on radar.
  • Incoming bogeys.
  • New contacts rolling in.
  • Tally-ho on new contacts.
  • We've got new units on radar, updating IFF.

When you crash or get shot down

  • Driver is/shot down!
  • K-9A has been shot down.
  • K-9A is shot down.

When you shoot rockets (URS/URM/URMB)

  • Driver commencing rocket fire.
  • Rockets shot!