Klara Rask/Quotes

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List of quotes from Klara Rask, aka Frost Druid, a Pacific Federation-aligned mercenary and Icarus Armories test pilot.

Project Wingman

Campaign quotes

Midnight Light

  • Mercenary Pilot | Frost: This one's combat-capable. Collect my data. He will need it.
    Federation Scientist: Fighting?! From a cold start?! You can't be serious!
    Mercenary Pilot | Frost: You paid me to do one thing. I'm doing it. Don't get in my way.
    -Preparing to engage Hitman Team
  • Godspeed. -Acknowledging the PW-Mk.I's escape from Harkema Industrial Park at the second phase
  • Let's get this shootout going. Are you going to be worth my time?
  • Come on, mercenary. You think you're the first to come try to take me down? -During third phase
  • Damn it! That Crown... This is Frost, I'm out of here. Ejecting data pod. -Upon mission completion


  • And here they are. You're off the hook, sellouts.
  • Here I am, Hitman. You fired up? Come shoot me down.
  • Mercenary Pilot | Frost: Look at history, the Feds will always find a way to win. Cascadia is toast.
    Hitman 3 | Comic: You think we give a rat's ass about Cascadian independence?! We're mercs too!
    Mercenary Pilot | Frost: Don't delude yourselves, there's always something personal about this profession.
  • Mercenary Pilot | Frost: Well, I've been around the block. Oceania didn't treat those like you kindly right as the other cheek was turned. I worked for the highest bidder. That's our number one rule, isn't it?
    Mercenary Pilot | Master Goose: It's nice seeing you all on the backburner.
    Mercenary Pilot | Frost: One mission, one battle, that's all you ever needed to live a comfortable life. I know how the pay works. Why are you still in this gig?
    -Responding to Comic's quip on her fighting Hitman twice
  • Mercenary Pilot | Frost: It won't be just me in the end...Mister Kennedy, Major London. The Senator's son and the disgraced squadron leader.
    Hitman 2 | Diplomat: How do you...? Who sold us out?! How do you know our names?! Those other mercs wouldn't know!
    Mercenary Pilot | Frost: When your Crown is so shiny, people tend to put the spotlight on it.
    -Start of third phase
  • God damn it! -Upon mission completion
  • People like us, we were just...waiting for a world made where we rule. It's a shame I'm being put on ice now. I'm clocking out. I'll see you all when you punch your cards. -Last words before crashing in her X-PF