J. Griffiths/Quotes

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List of quotes spoken by J. Griffiths, aka Stardust, leader of his eponyomous squadron and Cascadian Independence Force representative to hired mercenaries during the Cascadian Conflict.

Project Wingman

Campaign quotes



  • Stardust: Hello, Sicario, I’m Captain Griffiths, otherwise known as Stardust. From now on, I’ll be your point of contact with the Cascadian Independence Force. I was a National Guard pilot when it all went down, and now, I’m working with you. Cascadia’s prosperity, our natural bounty, has always gone to support the world. For the last few decades, we have done this by our partnership with the Pacific Federation, providing aid and infrastructure to the less fortunate internationally. The Federation, however, in recent years has used the resources we’ve provided to forcefully expand by conquest and military strength, we could not let our cordium or geothermal deposits fuel this war machine. Cascadia as a nation sought independence from the Federation outright in order to prevent the Federation from imperially expanding further, unfortunately, they turned against us, they have seen fit to unify and federalize Cascadian infrastructure as a whole. When we resisted, they turned this country inside out. We refuse to let that stand, so here’s the plan for you mercenaries right now:
    Unit Briefer: In northern Cascadia, Rowsdower AFB was a joint base used by both the Cascadian National Guard and the Federation. When hostilities took off, however, the Federation seized the base from the National Guard. Your objective today is to take the base back into our hands. Hitman Team will lead aerial operations, wiping out any anti-air defenses. Circus, our transport aircraft carrying Sicario’s airborne troop element, will then vector in and drop onto the base to secure it.
    Stardust: Take care not to damage the facilities too much during the attack. Sicario, and other mercenary elements, will be using this base afterwards. I’m sure you want to operate from an actual base anyway as opposed to some dirt strip, so let’s get rolling.
  • You already got the job, Sicario. Who are you trying to impress? -Upon mission completion
  • Don’t make Cascadia regret hiring you all.
  • The Independence Force of Cascadia is now the collection of true Cascadian sovereignty, and when the time comes, will see Cascadia rise to its own liberty without the Federation. I’ve been instructed by the remnants of our national government to be your liaison for the duration of your contract with us, of which we’ve sent to Kaiser for you to sign later. To be truthful, I don’t agree with your way of life, but you’ve come to Cascadia to aid us, and for that, I can’t complain. We’ll pay you what you’re due as long as you give us your best. Get settled in, we’ll need you up in the air soon.

Uphill, Every Way

  • Listen up, we’re about to get started. A lot of mercenaries from around the world have made their way in the country as I’m sure you’ve seen. However, Sicario is currently one of the only groups that can throw around enough fighters to aid in the air war. Cascadia’s National Guard was quickly scattered and taken out by Federation military forces when we originally tried to force them out of Cascadia. They came without mercy, eliminating more than 30% of our active forces. These last few weeks have been...disastrous, and we’re on the verge of capitulating into a full-blown guerilla war. We’d like to avoid this, and because of that, Sicario will be deployed immediately to several of our units currently in need of our support. -Briefing
  • Good job, Hitman Team. General Elizabeth reports your tactical support pretty much saved his men and a respectable amount of firepower for the Independence Force. Combined with deployments by the rest of Sicario and other mercenaries, we’ve been brought back from the brink and have stabilized our territory. Being able to maintain proper military formation and territory means we’ll be able to wage this war the right way. Stand by for further taskings and get some rest. -Debriefing

Sirens of Defeat

  • Stardust: In truth, we didn’t think we’d need you mercenaries at all, but unfortunately, what we hoped was going to be a relatively bloodless eviction of the Federation from our homeland has become an impossibility.
    Unit Briefer: Presidia, Cascadia’s capital, is falling. This afternoon, the first fully-fledged Federation military units have come in from out of country to reinforce their garrisons here. Among them, a massive Federation naval fleet has secured a foothold in the capital. Independence Force command planned this rebellion to have been timely enough to seize, hold, and place defensive positions in key territories within the country before the reinforcements came. Unfortunately, with the new wave of Federation reinforcements, Presidia’s main urban centers have been lost, and we can’t afford to lose any more manpower at this moment. A tactical retreat has been declared. Sicario, you, alongside other allied forces, will cover an immediate evacuation of our troops still holding out on the ground. By land, by air, and by sea, we are extracting from Presidia. Protect the evacuation moving out of the AO by raising hell and taking out any Federation units that are pressing on them. If we lose any more men, we might not be able to continue fighting against the Federation.
    Stardust: Presidia is where the fighting started in Cascadia. However, we refuse to have it be where it ends, not like this. Hitman Team, we expect much of you in this coming time.
  • Stardust: General Elizabeth, pull aggressively while we still have the air superiority.
    Allied General | Wild Boar Actual: We’re using this time to sabotage roads and waterways out of the city. Evacuation operations are going well. You do your job, flyboy, I’ll do mine.
    Stardust: Just a recommendation, General.
  • Stardust: Stand by...
    AWACS | Galaxy: Sicario, we have large contacts inbound. Looks like an airship picket. Anuras.
    Stardust: Damn, we’re totally outgunned.
    -Responding to Arnold Frenken's mission report

Machine of the Mantle

  • The Federation’s interest in Cascadia has always been clear. It’s as clear today as it was when we went into an association with them over half a century ago: Power. Our cordium deposits has made Cascadia an interest of the core Federation states perpetually, and because of that, we know exactly how to fight back. Even though we’ve lost many key territories as Federation forces land in-country, we have a plan on how to cripple their advances and to make them reevaluate their entire purpose here. -Briefing
  • Stardust: Hitman Team, your efforts in this operation were certainly commendable, if not by my mark, but the fact you garnered attention from the Peacekeepers.
    Unit Briefer: Peacekeeping Squadrons are called in by the Federation to absolutely lock down a nation from the sky. They are usually made up of decorated pilots and Federation devotees. Additionally, Crimson Squadron is the Peacekeeping Squadron specifically made to watch Cascadia. Their leader, Crimson 1, has become something of a poster boy for the Federation Air Force, and it’s not without merit. He’s who many consider to be the top ace in the world, and we can only hope that their arrival in-country doesn’t disrupt further operations. In any case, Sicario’s strike against the geothermal facilities in-country, coinciding with similar efforts theaterwide, has hastened the Federation offensive, buying us time to reorganize and plan for the war forward.
    Stardust: Let’s not waste this.

Stepping Stone

  • Monarch, this is an op just for you. You know I don't like admitting this, but mercenary pilots in this world are among some of the best. They get more air time, more time on target, than any of us national pilots outside of the Periphery. In truth, you get the glamor we all thought fighter pilots were supposed to have when signing up for the Academy. That, and you're making five times what I make in a year. I wonder if that's why you went private, but...I don't think you're the type to give that answer, not to me anyway. What I'm trying to say is...you're capable. More capable than most, getting this far in, and because of that, we need you on deck for a one-man mission. -Briefing

Pillars of Communications

  • There’s nothing much I need to say to you, Sicario. Operation Blackout will be conducted entirely by you. I cannot, however, express enough how important this strike is. Commander, you have the floor. -Briefing and addressing Kaiser

Cold War

  • All pilots, listen up, I'm getting in my plane right now, so when this briefing is done, I expect to see all of you running. -Briefing
  • Where the hell you guys been?! Half the Federation Air Force is here! -Start of mission
  • Is this all a game of glory to you? -Talking to Kaiser over his boasting of ace glory
  • Don’t drop your guard. The Federation always has more up its sleeve.
  • Hitman Team, Monarch, we’ve gotta thank you. If you didn’t tie up those Peacekeepers...well, I don’t know what would’ve happened.

Open Season

  • These last few weeks have been victory after victory for the Independence Force. Entire frontlines have either fallen or been abandoned by Federation troops in Cascadia. The amount of defectors and prisoners are skyrocketing with each subsequent win. We've now almost taken back every geothermal facility and key strategic point outside of our nation's urban centers. Your mission today, Hitman, makes sure that the countryside returns to its rightful owners: The Cascadian people. I will be rejoining the main offensive lines in the meanwhile. However, I will link up back to you when the time to take Presidia is nigh.


  • Stardust: Sicario, I'm glad I've caught you. You better not be leaving.
    Assassin 1 | Kaiser: I don't think we're staying, if that's what you want.
    Stardust: You have a contract to complete.
    AWACS | Galaxy: I'll switch your IFF to hostile real quick, flyboy, don't test me.
    Stardust: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I want to tell you something in person. Please, just hear me out. Stick around for five minutes, I beg you.
    -After mission completion
  • Quite frankly, Major London, I don't give a damn who you are, and I understand, you don't want to be here. That's as true today as it was when you, Hitman, left Cascadia the first time, right? -During cutscene
  • Stardust: If I may make Cascadia's case...you're still contracted to Cascadia, Sicario. You have a bargain to fulfill and, quite frankly, you're worth more to us now than ever.
    Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Look outside! You think there's a Cascadia left?!
    Stardust: It looks worse than it is, promise. My countrymen are scattering to safe zones to shelter in place. We'll return, and soon enough, after this hell passes. When we do, we'll need your help.
    Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Me and my soldiers don't fight losing wars.
    Stardust: This war will not be lost, not with all of you still remaining.
    Hitman 2 | Diplomat: All of us? What do you mean? Sicario has been nearly wiped!
    Stardust: Perhaps, but for a man of your boss' particular persuasion, Cascadia will offer you this to rebuild.
  • Is that enough? Is that everything you want? -On the Deal's contents for Kaiser
  • Orders, and what you need to carry it out. Go to the Periphery and bring back everyone who can fight beneath your banner. For all Cascadia knows, you can just take this and run away with it, never to return. But we put our trust in you to come back with the cavalry. If not, well, I guess you'll just be the lowlife mercenary who turned away when history needed him most. -On the Deal's conditions
  • Stardust: You three are our best pilots. Cascadia will protect you when this war has ended.
    Hitman 3 | Comic: You're a fool for even trying to promise that. We aren't for sale. We're leaving. Go ahead and lose this war. This is your grave, lie in it.
    Stardust: And you think running will be any better for you? The Federation has got your number, and as far as I can tell, Cascadia's the only shot all of you have for living out the rest of your lives.
  • Correct. -Right before showing Kaiser Hitman's part of the Deal
  • Why don't you take a look first, Commander Frenken?
  • Stardust: Take a look for yourselves.
    Hitman 2 | Diplomat: Is...Is that what I think it is? Oh shit...
    Stardust: You pull through for us, I'll give you more than your freedoms - your lives. It'll be like as if the last 20 years never happened for you. You can have your new start or continue your life as it is right now, but this? It'll let you do that. You'll be free. You can do whatever you want. Cascadia owes you to have this.
    -Showing Hitman their part of the Deal
  • Stardust: You'll stay in-country. Continue the fight, keep us aboveground.
    Hitman 3 | Comic: Well, we'll need a base for that. Rowsdower's about to be swallowed.
    Stardust: We're working on it. Options are slim at the moment, but-
    Hitman 2 | Diplomat: There's a highway that never got the funds it needed out by the Daner Valleys. My dad saw to that. I know how Cascadian infrastructure bills were. The section should still be there?
    Stardust: Aye, sounds like a good idea. Lead the way?
  • Hitman, find your place and stand by. If those highways you say are good, we'll be sending more pilots your way to support. When the orders come down, you better be up to it. -Cutscene end


  • Well, that's the word from the Professor himself. Hitman, the damage this disaster did on us is not to be understated, especially on our Air Force. We're not the only ones operating out of a highway right now, and we're lucky, you're not even a full squadron. That being said, you're the most combat-capable right now, and in order to rectify that, we're returning to Prospero. With as big as it is, even while damaged, it'll still serve as the best operating base for the final operations. -Briefing
  • Affirmative, we'll be moving personnel by helicopter and cargo planes shortly. Hitman, remain on station. -Replying to Galaxy's observation
  • Looks like it's Crimson. Hitman Team, engage. IF units in the area aren't in a position to help you out. I'm sorry. -Before Crimson Team boss fight
  • We saw it blow up from here. He's down. God, what a waste of a pilot... -After mission completion
  • Stardust: We good on the long range? Any more surprises?
    AWACS | Galaxy: It's quiet across the board. You're clear to keep moving into Prospero.
    Stardust: Alright, good. Hitman Team, RTB. We'll see if we can call someone else to cover us for now.
  • We finally moved into Prospero, and the thermal activity within hotspots in Cascadia's subsiding. By not letting up the pressure and by taking our land back even during Cascadia's darkest hours, we have now taken back the initiative, the offensive, and soon enough, our country. Federation forces throughout the country are retreating off coast or congregating in Presidia. This means that they'll have their final stand on this continent in our capital city. Hitman Team, stand by. -Debriefing

Red Sea

  • The time is nearly upon us. Presidia is on the horizon, and the Federation is cornered like a rat in Cascadia. This is their final beast, and they are desperately trying to keep it fed. -Briefing
  • Stardust: The noose is beginning to tighten, and the Federation will need some time, if they are at all able, to rally forces in order to break our blockade. It is in this time that we will reclaim Presidia. With our reinforcements having arrived, and with you at the helm, Hitman, victory is assured.
    Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Hitman, Galaxy, I'm glad to see you're still kicking. This last month abroad has been...really, really interesting. Long story short, a good part of the world is knowing where the wind is blowing, and I've got myself an army no one has ever seen before. Mercenaries, freedom fighters, maybe a secret proxy squadron or two from anti-Federation powers, but hey, we're all in it together now. Refit and reload, we'll get back to it soon enough.
    Stardust: We're gonna let the blockade stew for as long as we can as invasion preparations are set, but we've gotta move fast on the capital or they'll be too entrenched. Hitman Team, stand by. May the Dust Mother see us through.


  • We intended to keep the blockade going for at least a month to drain the Federation defenders, but circumstances have forced our hand; we are moving on Presidia today. -Briefing
  • All units, stand down, I repeat, stand down! This is what we've been looking for! -After Endgame phase cleared
  • Whoever's doing this better cease fire, the war's off! -When Crimson 1 begins firing on all units
  • All of us! We've been spiked! -Last words before getting shot down

Cut quotes


  • Confirmed. Welcome to Cascadia, Sicario. Follow us, we have a temporary landing strip set up for the rest of the mercenaries before we move you into someplace more permanent.


  • Every last operational Federation unit has been backed into Presidia, and because of that, it has become a fortress city, we have no other recourse but to attack with everything we have.
  • Just keep fighting, Hitman 2! -Answering Diplomat's question on the situation during the midtown Endgame phase
  • This is the last stronghold of the Federation anywhere on this continent. -Answering Comic's question on the large number of Federation units during the midtown Endgame phase