Dominic Zaitsev/Quotes

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List of quotes from Dominic Zaitsev, aka AWACS Galaxy, Sicario's AWACS radio operator and second-in-command:

Project Wingman

Campaign quotes

Black Flag

  • This is the ever-lovely Airborne Warning and Control Systems aircraft Galaxy. Hitman Team, get on the clock. -Start of mission
  • Just about, Diplomat. Hitman 1, take your flight on this vector 'til you start to see targets on the IFF. You are free to engage.
  • I have you on record saying that, Prez. -When she jokes about botching the mission for more vacationing
  • Don't sweat it, Ronin, Hitman is cleaning them up now. -Assuring Ronin about air support
  • We've got inbound. Enemy reinforcements coming down from due north, flashing mercenary IFFs. Greenlight to engage. Defenses are clear. Ronin, move in. -Start of reinforcements phase
  • Hitman Team, stand by until Ronin gives the all-clear. -After reinforcements shot down
  • AWACS | Galaxy: Copy, Ronin, how much is present?
    Sicario SOF | Ronin: Enough to keep an airship powered for a year according to our sensors. It's not anything we can carry out of here.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Right, moment, putting the contact on the line.
    -On the amount of cordium in the Meilynx
  • Copy that. Ronin, exfiltrate. You heard that, Monarch? Highlighting new target on your IFF. Blow it when they're out. -Upon hearing that the cargo is to be disposed of
  • ...huh. Uh...objectives complete, Hitman, RTB at your leisure. -Upon mission completion
  • Hold that thought, we've got inbound from due north, same bearing as before. Fighters approaching the flight to your direct south, flash ident or we will flag you as hostiles.


  • All Sicario elements, maintain bearing, we have interceptors coming up the rear. Hitman and any willing Gunsel planes, vector to intercept before they get close. -Start of mission
  • I've had them programmed long before we thought about coming this way. Hitman Team, you are cleared to engage. -About programming Federation IFFs for hostilities
  • Federation airship tagged and marked. Hitman Team, this one's all yours.


  • Rowsdower AFB on the nose. Hitman, you’ve already warmed up, so you’re back on point. Soften up the place, but try to keep the good stuff standing. Hitman Team, engage. -Start of mission
  • Approaching Rowsdower.
  • You know, I’m impressed how many people stayed for this contract, boss, especially since we’re going up against the Federation.
  • Spot-on support, Hitman Team, resistance is no factor. -Upon mission completion
  • Hitman Team, begin landing sequence. You lucky bastards, Rowsdower is ours.

Uphill, Every Way

  • Galaxy to Hitman Team, I'm patching you through to the Independence Force comm frequency. Things are getting busy, you’re free to engage any Federation signatures starting now. -Start of mission
  • There’s this countrywide interference present. I can’t really track anything outside the immediate AO. Does anyone know what’s up with that?
  • You’re keeping a pretty good kill pace today, Comic, you gunning for Monarch’s spot?
  • All armored targets splashed. That should give the rebel troops some wiggle room. -Start of second phase
  • Sicario AWACS Galaxy to all Independence Force elements, advise to cease engagement. Federation is disengaging or no factor. -Upon mission completion
  • Hitman Team, RTB. We’re reporting similar successes up and down Cascadia. If Monarch keeps racking up kills like that, we’re gonna need a bigger offshore account.

Sirens of Defeat

  • Presidia on the nose, Sicario, seems like the tactical retreat is in full swing. -Start of mission
  • Hitman Team, Sicario is spread out over the AO, so you’re our busybodies. I’m highlighting more distress calls, so hit them ASAP. Rebel HQ advises that we do not pass into the port section of the city. The Federation has a battlegroup moored there. I’m getting requests for air support all up and down the board, Hitman. I’m pinging the first for you now. Get there before the evacuation line gets cut.
    Hitman 2 | Diplomat: You sure you got our IFF 100% clear? I don’t want to waste cash on collateral.
    AWACS | Galaxy: You do your job and I’ll do mine, Hitman 2.
  • AWACS | Galaxy: Wild Boar Actual, I’m getting SOS calls from downtown Presidia, what should I tell them?
    Allied General | Wild Boar Actual: We can’t do anything for them. Tell them to dissipate and evacuate by any means possible... Tell them I’m sorry.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Copy all.
  • Sicario, we have large contacts inbound. Looks like an airship picket. Anuras. -Start of second phase
  • We’ve done all we can, Sicario, RTB to Rowsdower. -Upon mission completion

Machine of the Mantle

  • AWACS | Galaxy: We’ve got alarms raising at every airbase within response range. You’re on the clock, so make it snappy.
    Hitman 2 | Diplomat: Don’t rush perfection, Galaxy, especially when all you have to do is sit back and watch.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Hey, babysitting is easy money, I’m not complaining.
    -Start of mission
  • Alright, ramblers, let’s get rambling. Anything and everything is free for the taking.
  • It’s harder to create than it is to destroy, Hitman 2. -Commenting on the cordium tanks
  • Heads up, QRF has arrived. Fast movers. Now it’s a fight.
  • Well, you’re definitely causing the most chaos out of all of them. Gunsel Squadron has pulled out after hitting their threshold and Assassin is still on station. Other merc pilots are also calling in some success. -When asked about the other concurrent raids
  • Good stuff, Hitman, operations up and down the fracture are reporting similar successes. Keep hammering them until we pull out.
  • Arrangement? Are you three making deals without my cut? -Upon Diplomat bringing up an arangement
  • Well, according to the kill feed, I guess Monarch’s buying tonight, then.
  • We’ve got confirmed ID on these hostiles. We’ve got them pegged as Cascadia’s Federation Peacekeepers. -Start of Crimson phase
  • That was too close, guys. RTB. Me and the boss are going to have a chat with Stardust when we get back. -If the player escapes Crimson
  • Holy hell, you’ve chased them off! Monarch, RTB before they get any funny ideas! -If the player drives off Crimson
  • Monarch, unless you’re planning on dying alone out there, RTB ASAP!

Eminent Domain

  • AWACS | Galaxy: Alright, Galaxy getting on station. Hitman’s down a pilot today, huh?
    Hitman 3 | Comic: I’m sure Dip's having fun by himself, hitting some energy facilities with Assassin and Gunsel.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Oh, I know he is. Normally, I’d be able to monitor all of you at once, but this damn comm jamming is wreaking havoc with my capabilities.
    Hitman 3 | Comic: I would’ve given Prez Dip’s spare plane to run his spot, but I don’t know if anyone else can stand being Monarch’s wizzo. That, and I know boss gets pissy when people start taking positions.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Yeah, I’ve seen her fly before, good call.
    Hitman 1 WSO | Prez: Eat my ass, Galaxy!
    AWACS | Galaxy: Anyway, heads up.
    Allied Ship | CCS Court: This is resupply ship Court, we’ll remain on station for the Eminent Domain to link up with us.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Roger all, highlighting Federation ships now. Hitman, sink any and all contacts in the area before Eminent Domain gets here.
    -Start of mission
  • It’s on principle, Hitman 3. If the rebels can steal a battleship, think about how that makes the rest of the Feds in-region look. -About the numerous Federation ships intercepting the battleship
  • Eminent Domain inbound imminent. That should be them over comms.
  • Contact with the Eminent Domain at bearing 000 from bullseye. -Start of reinforcements phase
  • AWACS | Galaxy: Captain, I’m routing you a vector for rendezvous. You hit that point, you should be able to link up with the Court.
    Eminent Domain | Captain Woodward: Much appreciated, mercenary!
    AWACS | Galaxy: Hey Hitman, you could learn a little about courtesy from this guy.
  • You should see the geothermal storms back in the Federation mainland.
  • Belay that, we've got contacts Angels 9, inbound! These look like cruise missiles from shore! -Start of cruise missile phase
  • They're diving from above the cloud cover! Monarch, Comic, intercept!
  • Eminent Domain sunk! It's over. Hitman Team, RTB. The Independence Force isn't gonna be happy about this... -If the Eminent Domain sinks
  • All threats eliminated and scopes are clear! Good stuff, Hitman! -Upon mission completion
  • Hitman Team, RTB.

Clear Skies

  • AWACS | Galaxy: Hitman Team, you’re arriving in your AO. Tagging civilian and Federation air traffic now.
    Hitman 2 | Diplomat: That’s a lot of air traffic for a warzone, Galaxy.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Watch your fire when taking down these transports. If any bystanders go down, that’s on us and the Independence Force.
    -Start of mission
  • Seven enemy target convoys tagged. Engage with caution.
  • Escorts are vectoring in to engage. Blow past them and hit those transports, Hitman 1.
  • Yeah, I was expecting that. Hitman Team, heads up, we have another AWACS in the area. -Start of reinforcements phase
  • Well, if they are, we’re taking the bait. We just gotta thread this needle as best we can. -On whether the Federation is using civilian traffic as human shields
  • Hang on, looks like they haven’t given up this airspace quite yet. We’ve detected a pair of advanced enemy fighters entering the airspace alongside a support airship. Shoot down the enemy, let them know we have airspace control.
  • Civilian plane shot down! Mission failure! -If you damage a civilian aircraft
  • Scopes are clear. Good job today, Hitman, RTB before anyone else shows up. -Upon mission completion

Stepping Stone

  • AWACS | Galaxy: Monarch, the radar defenses are pretty hidden away on the mountain range, but your pal Galaxy got them all marked out. After this mission, don’t tell me I never do anything for you.
    Hitman 1 WSO | Prez: He’s just pissed he ain’t sleeping tonight.
    AWACS | Galaxy: No, I’m pissed because I have to spend it with you two. Maintain radio silence, Hitman 1.
    -Start of mission
  • Defense Cluster Alpha is down. From my scans, I read at least six other clusters in the area. Designating them Bravo through Golf as we get them. -After you destroy a defense cluster
  • You know, Monarch, I’ve heard a lot about why you three joined...Hitman, that is? Comic had her wings clipped, Dip was told he wasn’t good enough to fly out of the academy, and you came in with them. My question, though, is what are you all looking for after all this time? You’ve made your fortunes - and lost them - so many times these last few years, so what else is there? Huh? Nevermind, it ain’t like you’re gonna tell me tonight.
  • Got a message from 2 and 3, putting them through.
  • AWACS | Galaxy: Do you guys...actually like each other or what?
    Hitman 1 WSO | Prez: They do. Trust me, even as Monarch’s backseater, it’s tough to break into their circle.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Cute.
    Upon hearing about your wingmen's message
  • Monarch, RTB, that’s one for the books. -Upon mission completion

Pillars of Communications

  • Galaxy to all Sicario elements, we are go for Operation Blackout. Total destruction of the enemy’s communication facilities are our prime objective for this operation. Cover Circus and destroy any base defenses before they deliver the ground forces to the DZ. Over to you, boss. -Start of mission
  • I wish I could say the same... -On a Sicario armored unit quipping about the payout
  • Okay, all flights, looks like the early defenses aren’t the only issue now. We have bogeys inbound from the north, toward our transports. That means you, Hitman, intercept and engage.
  • AWACS | Galaxy: Air assault operation is a go. All Circus flight elements, remain on station until the airfield is ours. Gunsel 6 and 7, cover the Circus until reassigned.
    Sicario Transport | Circus: Copy that, Galaxy.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Hitman flight, you are reassigned to air-land battle. Search and destroy targets of opportunity at will. Secure the battlespace as our ground forces get set for the attack on the main facilities.
    -Upon landing phase
  • Diplomat, you’re as cheap as the booze Comic buys.
  • The enemy is dug in around the outlying facilities. Looks like a layered defense. Hitman Team, engage at will. Gunsel Team, act in support. Assassin, you’re providing direct CAS for the ground troops.
  • Negative, Hitman 2, you can handle it. -Responding to Diplomat's call for help
  • We’re reading multiple defenses going down wholesale, but not all, and we’ve got incoming fighters and gunships, watch it!
  • Designating new targets and HVTs on the IFF, have at it!
  • Yeah, I was afraid of that. Electromagnetic and geothermal readings going up all across the board. All Sicario assets in the area, be advised, we’ve got high-caliber railguns firing up. They’ll put a slug through you real fast, so heads up.
  • Update from the Independence Force HQ. All ground forces, secure as much encryption and intelligence data as possible, but if we are unable, just torch and burn.
  • Well, lookie here, that jamming is just plummeting! Keep hitting 'em!
  • All units, connect to my uplink and I’ll call out targets with the fighter’s IFF connection, should make your job easier.
  • All Mobster Elements, move in tandem with Hitman’s airstrikes.
  • Khan 3-2, hold position and consolidate with 3-3 section, we’re putting mortar rounds out to cover Alpha Mission.
  • No more contacts across the board, all Federation hostiles considered no factor. Ground units, confirm? -Upon mission completion
  • Alright, pick up what you need to get out of here! We can celebrate when we’re back at Rowsdower! -Debriefing

Cold War

  • This is the mercenary AWACS Galaxy to all allied callsigns, flashing ident to any IF AWACS, how copy? What?! What do you mean I’m the only friendly AWACS left in this AO?! Fine! All friendlies, I’m in charge now! Begin handshake procedures and try to stay alive! All units, engage at will! Establish air superiority! -Start of mission
  • With the comm array we shut down out of play? Come on, you don’t pay me for my charm. -Responding to Prez about maintaining a stable IFF connection
  • AWACS | Galaxy: Monarch, it seems like you’re top dog today, keep it up.
    Hitman 3 | Comic: With some darling support after all.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Shut up, keep fighting, we still got bogeys.
    -After shooting down enough fighters
  • I’m getting IFF signatures from all across the Federation. Magadan, the Kingdom of Ulaanbaatar, Oceania? Hell, we’ve even got Deep Federation States present.
  • We’ve got inbound! Pop-up bandit group at bearing 230! Looks like they pulled back for one last push! There's a lot of them! IFF confirmed! Federation Peacekeeping Squadron Crimson identified with more reinforcements, this is it! -Upon start of Crimson phase
  • Radar tags pinged all across the board! Incoming!
  • AWACS | Galaxy: Monarch, we gotta go contact some record agency or somethin’, because you racked up a ridiculous kill score.
    Assassin 1 | Kaiser: We looking clear across the board, Galaxy?
    AWACS | Galaxy: Yes sir, all Federation forces are pulling back across the IDL, we did it! Hey, pop that champagne bottle I got in the fire extinguisher box! I don’t give a damn if we get the consoles wet, we’re rich after this mission! Rich!
  • Hitman Team, RTB!

Midnight Light

  • Hitman Team, you're entering the AO, tighten up comms. Let's keep it business from here on out. -Start of mission
  • All Hitman elements, I said focus.
  • Hitman, heads up, we've got thermal signatures rising all across the board. Looks like they're powering up the homebrew.
  • Monarch, we've got some really, really intense energy readings on top of you.
  • Ronin, I'm uploading some keywords I coded up to your uplink. You focus on stealing data, I'll comb through what they have on their servers.
  • Yeah, I'm not pulling anything useful off these servers, at least not right now. Hitman Team, press the attack and take out the rig. Highlighting last set of targets for you now.
  • Speak of the devil, we've got activity on deck. Hitman Team, push toward the platform immediately. -Start of boss phase
  • Definitely next-next-generation design. I'm filling in data as we go.
  • Hitman Team, explicit orders from the top down: You are to engage and destroy. No running from this one.
  • AWACS | Galaxy: Heads up, Hitman, we're cracking the files we pulled now. Preliminary analysis says this is an Icarus Armories airframe, codename "Spear". We'll see if we can find anything about who's flying it.
    Hitman 3 | Comic: It could be a goddamn unicorn for all I care, Galaxy, give us actionable intel!
    AWACS | Galaxy: The aircraft is operating without a fly-by-wire system. It's just a test platform. If the pilot's any good, it can push it to its very limits.
    Hitman 2 | Diplomat: That can't be good for whoever's in that thing.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Exactly, tire them out! They're only human!
  • Woah, we've got some fierce readings coming off Spear.
  • Pilot of Spear confirmed: Klara Rask, TAC name Frost Druid. Ah shit, she's one of the turncoats from Oceania.
  • They're off radar! Nice work, Hitman Team! RTB while we've got a chance! -Upon mission completion
  • Ronin, take the dip and let the tides carry you out. The Eminent Domain will be on station for pickup.

Valkyrie's Call

  • Visual confirmed, a majority of Task Force 1 is in port. The operation is a go. All aircraft, you're cleared to attack. Engage any and all targets, but make sure those airships are dealt with first. If they start powering up, you'll be in for a world of hurt. -Start of mission
  • Sicario, Hitman Team, you're on point. The other mercenaries will pick up the slack.
  • Cobalt, Saberdust, and Paycheck, I'm assigning you provisional callsigns. Easier for me that way.
  • Pouncing Badgers, Wildshot Gang, I'm pushing you into this sector to saturate.
  • We fail you yet, boss?
  • Hey Dip, do you remember those raids we went on a few years back in the East Periphery? Remember that script we had to say? Go for it. -When Kaiser mentions Sawaiiki personnel moving to defensive positions
  • If you say so. -After Diplomat finishes his communication with the port authority
  • A reminder has just been sent to me from back in Cascadia. All aircraft, minimize collateral damage. We aren't here to start another war.
  • Gunsel Lead, shut it before I shut off your IFF. -Responding to his claim about Sicario's promotion system
  • Thermal signature rising! Some of the airships are returning from patrol! We've got inbound! -Reinforcements phase
  • ALCON, orders are to disengage and head out of Sawaiiki airspace. Our tanker aircraft are inbound now. You linger any longer and you'll be out of fuel before we get back. -Upon mission completion.

Open Season

  • The battle is well underway, engage at will. -Start of mission
  • Captain Sykes, we're predisposed on combat orders.
  • Your call, Hitman, designating AA defenses and other threats to the firefighters.
  • AWACS | Galaxy: This is mercenary AWACS Galaxy to ALCON, highly advise we work in tandem with the firefighting aircraft. They can't drop the fire suppressants if they're right on top of our troops.
    Hitman 3 | Comic: They're not interested in listening, Galaxy.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Don't say I didn't try, then. If they want to get uppity, be my guest. We're still paid by the target.
  • Open season. -Responding to Diplomat over targeting evacuation choppers.
  • Hitman Team, I'm highlighting new targets. The more you deal from the air, the less the ground forces will have to deal with. Monarch, give 'em what they want.
  • Hitman Team, rally back at base. We're done here.

Consequence of Power

  • Hitman Team, we're kicking the hornet's nest. Be advised, you'll have fast movers rolling off runways and coming in from outside the AO.
  • We've got incoming from due north, looks like reinforcements.
  • AWACS | Galaxy: The hell is...? Holy shit! Thermal signature rising!
    Hitman 3 | Comic: What is it, Galaxy?
    AWACS | Galaxy: This is AWACS Galaxy to ALCON, I repeat, this is AWACS Galaxy to ALCON, ALCON, ALCON! We have incoming ordinance! Cruise missile type! Thermal signatures are off the charts! Hunker in place or get out of the area! All fighters, I'm sending IFF info! Intercept as many as you can!
    Hitman 3 | Comic: How many?!
    AWACS | Galaxy: Too many! Hey pilot, get us out of the AO now!
    Hitman 2 | Diplomat: Intercept?! Ah, the hell does he expect us to do?! What's so special about these things?!
    AWACS | Galaxy: We don't take these things out, we're gonna be up to our necks in shit!
    -Cruise missile phase
  • I'm tasking any units that can respond, just hold on, Hitman! -Attempting to scramble interceptors against cruise missile source
  • Our sensors just blew out! Everyone, brace! -Right before Cascadian Calamity Event
  • Hello?! Hello?! Is anyone out there?! This is AWACS Galaxy to anyone on this net, please respond, I need damage reports!
  • Hell if I know, check your radios, I can't raise anyone on the horn!
  • It's not our problem. Hitman Team, push 120 and link up with my plane, we are RTB. This country has gone insane. -Upon mission completion
  • Calamity...that's what this is. This is what it had to be, right? Right? By God... -Debriefing


  • Hitman, stay glued to my plane, because I don't know if my transmission range is worth anything at this point. Rowsdower isn't responding on any frequency or any other rebel base I have on record. Hell, even the Fed stations are down. -Start of mission
  • Because we're mercenaries, not heartless. We have to go see if the boss and the rest of Sicario is okay. Besides, we're not getting far if this is as widespread as it looks.
  • I should be close enough to transmit now. Breaking brevity for a second: Rowsdower, this is Galaxy, transmit on any frequency on this range to signal that you're alive. -Reaching Rowsdower
  • Come on, I'd rather not inherit a graveyard. -When receiving no response
  • It's that pilot from offshore! Along with her own pack of mercenary dogs! -Start of bounty hunter boss fight
  • We don't have the fuel to make it out of Cascadia anyway. -On running away from the bounty hunters
  • All targets off radar. I don't see any chutes. -Upon mission completion
  • AWACS | Galaxy: Hold on, clearing up the signal. I recognize this pattern.
    Assassin 1 | Kaiser: This is Assassin 1 to all surviving units, cease radio silence.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Good God, you were playing possum?!
  • I'll switch your IFF to hostile real quick, flyboy, don't test me. -Threatening Stardust after he orders Sicario to continue their contract
  • Aw come on, what the hell? Why do I get to stay? -Complaining about being ordered by Kaiser to stay with Hitman

No Respite

  • Got some interesting airmail, looks like we've got a mission lineup. -Start of briefing
  • Your planes are good, munitions and fuel all set. Hitman Team, it's your call to go up. -End of briefing
  • Well, that didn't take long. All units, follow Hitman in. Monarch, on your go. -Start of mission
  • Negative, we don't have the manpower. Just blow it to hell and the rebels will pick up the pieces. -On taking Brite Fortress
  • All units, be advised, seems like they're powering up some old prototypes. Land battleships, it looks like. -Land battleship phase
  • Defenses pacified. All Federation units are either no factor or destroyed. Hitman Team, remain on station for one last sweep and then RTB. Um, uh, RTH? Whatever, just come back to the highway. -Upon mission completion


  • AWACS | Galaxy: Stardust, you got a read? -Start of mission
    Stardust: Affirmative, we'll be moving personnel by helicopter and cargo planes shortly. Hitman, remain on station.
    AWACS | Galaxy: Hitman Team, we've got some Fed-tagged IFFs around, patrol forces most likely. Take them out before they collect too much data about what we're doing.
  • We've got leakers. Aircraft type unknown, pushing from bearing 000. Hitman Team, intercept. --Start of Crimson Team boss fight.
  • Uh, Dip's radio transceiver is off...
  • Crimson Team is off the radar. Confirm aircraft destruction. -Upon mission completion
  • It's quiet across the board. You're clear to keep moving into Prospero. -Answering Stardust about the situation

Red Sea

  • Hitman Team, provide support for the Eminent Domain. This stranglehold must be established. -Start of mission
  • Hitman Team, aim for the larger vessels and the convoys while you've got ammo at your disposal. You take them down, you're gonna have a lot less coming back up at you. -Start of second wave
  • Rebel intel indicates that this is the last combat-effective naval group in-theater. Hitman Team, destroy the FNS Dejanus' battlegroup and we'll lock down Presidia.
  • It's a fair fight now! We've got mercenary IFF signatures inbound hot!
  • All Federation naval forces are capitulating or sinking! Any rebel ships left, let's start tying the noose! -Upon mission completion
  • It's good to have you back, boss.


  • Hitman Team, you're on point! Proceed to what area you think you can take on first and engage! -Start of mission
  • Monarch, take Presidia!
  • All fighters, the air war has opened up above Presidia. Eliminate all hostiles. Maintain current angels and engage the enemy. Accept nothing less than total air superiority. -Start of Air phase
  • ALCON, Federation air superiority has been deemed no factor. Hitman Team, proceed to the next area of targets. Eminent Domain reports last remaining naval force are pushing out to meet her. Hitman Team, provide support. -Start of Sea phase
  • The Federation Navy is out of action. Hitman, retask ASAP. -Start of Endgame phase
  • The attack has begun. All units, link to my IFF network for the ground assault. This is gonna get messy.
  • Eminent Domain and her remaining battlegroup are approaching from the sea. They'll help us in the final assault.
  • Never been an issue, Hitman 2. -Responding to Diplomat's concern over IFF pinging in the battle's chaos
  • They've fallen back to the Port Authority Building, this is it, the last Federation forces in Cascadia! -Endgame phase complete
  • Hitman Team, we have IDs on the remaining targets in Presidia! Kill 'em all! What?! [stutters] Hold on a second!
  • Seriously?! God damn, changing IFF parameters now!
  • Stand by, all units, just hold on... -Last words before Crimson 1 opens fire on forces above Presidia


  • Why aren't you a fighter pilot? Sheesh, nice landing! Alright, get the wreckage sorted and get a radio set up! We need to coordinate survivors! -Mercenary difficulty credits dialogue

Cut quotes


  • Federation anti-air defenses have been making it difficult for us to move supplies across the country to assist the main forces. Eliminate any Federation presence in the area so we can provide a pathway to secure a supply line. Bogeys detected bearing 190. Engage. -Start of mission
  • Bandit down, great work. Proceed to neutralize the enemy air defense network so our transport supply units can go through. -Start of second phase
  • Target defenses confirmed offline. Heads up, large enemy formation incoming. Same bearing as before, 190. They've got airships and fighters. Hitman Team, we're sending the closest patrol units that can assist you. -Start of third phase
  • All enemy vessels and fighters confirmed destroyed. The supply line is now open. Excellent work, Hitman Team, return to base. -Upon mission completion
  • This is taking too long. Command has advised a retreat. We'll try this another time. It was a worth a shot at least. Hitman Team, return to base. -If the player takes too long


  • Ah, you lucky bastards. Hitman Team, begin landing sequence. Rowsdower is ours. -Upon mission completion

Eminent Domain

  • Hitman 1 and 3, learn a little about courtesy from this guy.

Clear Skies demo

  • Hitman Team, a large group of enemy fighter formations has been spotted in the area. Eliminate all enemy squadrons and restore air superiority. Seven enemy squadrons remaining. Engage. -Start of mission
  • Six enemy squadrons remaining.
  • Five squadrons remaining.
  • Four enemy squadrons remaining.
  • Three groups left.
  • Two squadrons left.
  • One squadron left.
  • All enemy fighters shot down. Good work, Hitman Team. Hang on, looks like they haven’t given up this airspace quite yet. We’ve detected a pair of advanced enemy fighters entering the airspace. Shoot down the enemy and don’t let them regain airspace control. -Start of boss phase
  • One enemy fighter left.
  • Final enemy fighter confirmed shot down. Good work, Hitman Team, return to base. -Upon mission completion

Pillars of Communications

  • Galaxy to all Sicario elements, we are go for Operation Blackout. Total destruction of the enemy communication facilities are our primary objective for this operation. All fighters, clear the way for Circus. Over to you, boss. -Start of demo mission
  • If only I could say the same... -Start of mission and in response to an armored unit's quip about "the largest payout ever"
  • I wish I could say the same... But in the meantime, we’ve got guns on the ground, birds in the air, and bogies inbound, all coming toward you hot. That means you, Hitman, intercept and engage. -Demo
  • Intercept and engage. Hitman, that means you.
  • Target destruction confirmed, keep on hitting it. -Demo
  • Good work, everyone, the forward facility is all taken care of. All fighters, stand by for the ground forces to finish up. -Demo
  • We’re reading multiple defenses going down wholesale, but we’ve got incoming fighters and gunships, watch it! Designating new targets and HVTs on the IFF, have at it! -Demo
  • No more contacts across the board, all Federation hostiles eliminated. Ground units, confirm? -Demo completion

Cold War

  • Good stuff, Sicario. If I didn't know any better though, it looked like Monarch changed the course of this one. -When enough fighters are shot down
  • AWACS | Galaxy: Hitman Team, you're picking up a hell of a lot.
    Mercenary Pilot: Who's top dog?
    AWACS | Galaxy: Monarch.

Consequence of Power

  • I don't care, put me out on all frequencies! -Start of cruise missile phase


  • ALCON, suggest to move through the suburbs to engage midtown defenses now. -Start of midtown Endgame phase
  • The Feds are running out of space and we have no reinforcements on the scopes! Keep going at it!
  • Marking last remaining defensive positions now! Monarch, clean them up! -Start of downtown Endgame phase

Gameplay quotes

When you drop bombs (UGBS/UGBL)

  • Hitman 1/Monarch, bombs/ordinance away!
  • Ordinance away/deployed!
  • Pickle, pickle!
  • Good separation, bombs away!
  • Bombs away!

When you complete a Conquest mode mission

  • Scopes are clear, mission objectives fulfilled, exfil ASAP.
  • All targets checkmarked, get out of there.
  • Mission successful, mop up and get out.
  • Positive takedown, good job, Hitman.
  • Enemy has been smoked, egress.
  • Nice job, Hitman Team, return to base.

When Conquest Mode reinforcements arrive

  • We've got hostiles inbound.
  • Watch it, you've got reinforcements vectoring towards you.
  • They've upped their game, things are going to get harder from here on in.
  • Watch it, enemy defenses are stirring up.
  • You've kicked the hive, here come the responders.
  • They're not happy, reinforcements coming hot.
  • Heads up, pop-up reinforcement group incoming.

When a Conquest mode mission begins

  • Hitman Team, you've arrived at the AO. Master arm is on, you are weapons free.
  • Cleared to engage.
  • Welcome to the show, Hitman, engage at will.
  • Pinging targets on the IFF, do as you will.
  • Hitman, you're cleared to engage.
  • Got a positive contact on hostiles, you know what to do.
  • Targets on our scopes, take 'em out.

When you destroy a ground unit

  • Ground asset/unit knocked out.
  • Ground pound successful.
  • Ground unit/target destroyed.
  • Right on target.
  • Target down.

When you get locked on

  • Enemy's locking on, break!
  • Enemy's getting radar lock!
  • Monarch, the enemy's locking on to you.
  • You've gotta fly harder, Monarch, they're locking on.

When you destroy an enemy

  • Bingo.
  • Sure called his bluff.
  • Cashin' out.
  • Confirm enemy kill.
  • Dead money.
  • Enemy aircraft/plane shot down.
  • Enemy down, good job.
  • Fast mover out of action.
  • Hitman 1, splash one.
  • Jackpot.
  • Kill confirmed.
  • Knocked one out.
  • Monarch got another one/shot one down.
  • Nice kill/shot.
  • Positive hits, he's going down.
  • Reshuffle and try again, buddy.
  • That's a flush.
  • You're on the money.

When you launch an RTM/SAA (Radar Tracking Missile/Semi Active Radar Missile)

  • Fox One, Fox One!
  • Fox One!
  • Good separation, radar-tracking missile away!
  • Hitman 1/Monarch, Fox One!
  • Hunt 'em down, Monarch!
  • Missile away, begin radar tracking.
  • Monarch, good release. Track the target.
  • Monarch, track 'em down!

When you launch an STDM (Standard Missile)

  • Fox Two, good separation.
  • Fox Two.
  • Fox Two, Fox Two.
  • Hitman 1/Monarch, Fox Two.
  • Monarch, good release. Fox Two.

When you launch an MLAA (Multi-Lock Anti-Air Missiles)

  • Fox Three. (Fox Three.)
  • Hitman 1/Monarch, Fox Three.
  • Keep 'em guessing.
  • Missiles away!
  • Pin 'em down!
  • SPAMRAAMs out!
  • There they go, good separation.
  • Watch 'em fly!

When you attain gun range

  • Cleared for guns.
  • Guns, guns, guns.
  • Hitman 1, within gun range.
  • Light 'em up.
  • Open up with the cannon, Monarch.
  • Shoot 'em up.
  • Monarch, you're in spinning distance, just use the guns.
  • You're in gun range.

When you attain missile lock

  • Good tone, good tone.
  • Hard lock, let it fly.
  • Hitman 1, good tone.
  • Hitman 1, locked on.
  • Monarch, good lock.
  • Monarch, ready to fire.
  • Monarch, you've locked on/got a good lock.
  • Positive tone.
  • Radar lock, take him down.
  • Stacked up.

When you have a missile tracking you

  • Monarch, get outta Dodge.
  • Enemy's got a bead on you, Monarch.
  • You've gotta cut it quick, Monarch!
  • Hitman 1, missile tracking! Evade!
  • Look out, incoming fire!
  • Incoming missile, jink!
  • Monarch, you've got incoming!
  • Monarch, move your ass!
  • Monarch, pop countermeasures and evade.
  • Pop your flares, Monarch!
  • Warning, missile inbound!

When you launch any missile (STDM, SAA, MLAG, MLAA)

  • Missile away, missile away!
  • Missile is on the way!
  • Missile is tracking!
  • Missile shot off/away!
  • Monarch, missile away/on the way/shot.
  • Monarch, opening fire.

When your missile misses

  • You bricked it.
  • Man, you couldn't miss any harder if you tried.
  • You missed. Get another one off the rail.
  • Missile missed, get back on him.
  • Hitman 1, missile off target.
  • Uh, looks like you missed.
  • They dodged it, keep on him.
  • Missile didn't connect.
  • Missile off the target.
  • Missile missed.
  • Missile off target.
  • Missile shot trashed.
  • Monarch missed the shot.
  • Monarch missed another shot?
  • Monarch, missile off target.
  • Nothing but air.
  • You're shooting through the clouds. Try again.
  • Monarch, shot went wide. Try again.
  • Hey, what are you doing? Those missiles are expensive!
  • What are you doing, Monarch? I can shoot better than that.

When new Conquest mode hostiles show up

  • Heads up, Hitman, new contacts rolling in.
  • Incoming hostiles.
  • Be advised, new targets popping up on IFF.
  • We've got new units on radar. I'm updating your IFF.
  • Tally ho on some new contacts. Watch it.

When you crash or get shot down

  • Hitman 1 is down!
  • Monarch's down! Scramble search and rescue teams!
  • Monarch's gone off radar!
  • Monarch's been shot down!

When you take missile damage

  • How are you still flying, Monarch?
  • Monarch's been hit.
  • Monarch, you've been hit. hit, status report.
  • Hitman 1, you've taken damage, you still airworthy?
  • Gah, that one looks like it hurt, what's your status?
  • Hey, uh, you still flyin'?
  • You've been hit, you okay?

When you shoot rockets (URS/URM/URMB) or BML-U

  • Monarch, commencing rocket fire!
  • Rockets away!
  • Nails, fire away!
  • Nails, nails, nails!

When your missile hits an enemy plane

  • Go for another swing!
  • Confirmed hit on target!
  • Projectile hit! Finish him off, Monarch!
  • Hit him! Give him another pass, Monarch!
  • You hit him! He's still flyin' though.
  • Sucker's still going, hit him again!
  • Hit the target!
  • Hit!
  • Hostile is hit!
  • Missile hit!
  • Positive hit on target!
  • They're still going! Put them out of their misery!
  • The enemy took a hit! Take him down, Monarch!
  • Target hit.
  • Target's bleeding!