Division K-9

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Division K-9, proper military designation Division K Unit 9, is a small Magadane Air Reserve Unit, located near the Gulf of Anadyr. As their Name implies, they are the 9th Unit of Reserve Division K. Led by Driver, they were activated and spearheaded the Defense of Magadan in the wake of the disastrous evacuation of the Cascadian Mainland and the subsequence Victory over the invading rebels and their mercenary allies.

Division K-9, or "K-9" for short, is the main protagonist squadron of Project Wingman: Frontline-59.


Division K-9 is a small flight of Magadan reservists stationed in a remote part of Magadan, west of the Gulf of Anadyr. Prior to the Cascadian Conflict the unit never saw any action until April 17, 432 AC, where they were activated by AWACS Vita who he says they were the Last of the Magadan Reserve Divisions to be called upon to assist in the Federation Evacuation. Since K-9 was not part of the regular forces, they were never give Tac Names until their First Deployment.


In the early months of AC 432 or years prior, Division K-9 was formed as part of the Magadan's Reserve Divisions as a way to have units ready to defend the Federation State or to act as reinforcements during times of War. For much of K-9's existence, they have never seen combat, even during the early days of the Cascadian Conflict.

On April 7th, 432 AC, Driver and the other members of his Unit received an email regarding emergency deployment orders due to an immediate threat near his area. Driver and his fellow reservist are deployed to their assigned air base near the Gulf of Anadyr.

Ten days later, on April 17th, 432 AC, Division K-9 were ordered for activation. AWACS Vita checks in for Unit-9's activation only to find out only four members arrived for deployment (five if Two Seater is used). As Unit-9 scrambles to take off, Vita tells them to make up their TAC names during his sound off before the Unit is ordered to head towards to the Bering Strait. Before Division K-9 reaches the Strait, the Unit was confronted by Mercenary Pilots chasing down several Federation Planes. Upon realizing the situation, Vita orders K-9 to engage the Mercenaries and to defend the retreating aircraft. After defending the transports from the chasing Mercenaries, K-9 saves the remnant of Crimson Squadron from their pursuers Thorn Rose Gang. After the battle, Division K-9 returns to their base, but not before an exhausted Crimson 7 thanks them.[1]

One month has passed and Division K-9 were deployed to fend off the Cascadian Invasion of Magadan, lead by General Faust. As K-9 enters the battle field, they lend Close Air Support to the defenders as Cascadian Marines, along with Mercenary Air Support, have already making land fall and begin pushing towards the heavily out matched defenders. As the battle drags on, Cascadian Marines make a break through Federation defenses, resulting in a pull back of the defensive line. After Division K-9 eliminates the Spearhead of the Invasion, Mercenary Bombers are called upon as well as a new wave of Mercenary Fighters for which K-9 begin to engage with. As the Mercenary Bombers are being dealt with, the CIFS Eminent Domain, thought by Federation Ground Units to be the FNS Jerusalem, begins a Naval Bombardment of the defensive positions, killing many of the Ground Reservist and including the Reservist Ground CO. This caused a retreat order which K-9 began to cover. Soon the Federation Peacekeepers, Steel Squadron , arrives to assist in the retreat and follows K-9A in to sinking the picket fleet. K-9 and Steel Squadron then destroy the Cascadian picket fleet and the defenders pull out to safety. As both K-9 and Steel Squadron return to their respective bases, Steel-1, impressed by K-9's actions, remarks that Magadan is in need of new Peacekeepers.[2]

Four days later K-9 was deployed to escort a regular forces bomber squadron FA 303 to eliminate a Cascadian Marine FOB set up deep within Magadane Territory. Before 303 can make their approach, K-9 begins clearing the way by attacking and destroying Cascadian Anti-Air Clusters such as Advance SAM Launchers, Railguns and Flak Cannons while dealing with Mercenary Air Units. As K-9 clears the Air Defenses, Federation Ground Units began evacuating Civilians from the nearby city of Tseliadan from the approaching Cascadians. During 303s final approach to the Cascadian FOB, a Federation Airship Lanzelet arrives in the area of operation, providing additional support for the Bombers and K-9. 303 arrived over the FOB and dropped their bombs, devastating most of the base with it, allowing K-9 and Lanzelet to descend and finish off the stragglers.[3]

K-9A Driver is tasked for a solo deployment (a two-man deployment if using a Two Seater) against a Cascadian Marine command post that is the control center for the entire invasion ten days later. The plan was for Driver to fly through the unfinished Highway 1 tunnel, which the Command Post was stationed at the end of. As Driver speeds out of the tunnel exit, the entire Base was caught completely by surprise by the lone aircraft's appearance. While Driver skillfully weaves through the Cascadian defenses and taking out key targets, Section 4-4 assassinates the Cascadian Marine's Top Brass amidst the confusion, causing a collapse in the Chain of Command in the Invasion.[4]

At this point of the invasion, the Federation Military regain it's strength and over the next three days, began pushing the invading rebel back to the original landing site. Division K-9 was once more deployed, along with the Regular Forces, to drive the Cascadian invaders out of Magadan once and for all. As the full force of the Federation came down upon the retreating invaders, Captain Woodward using capture keycomm codes they inherited from the Eminent Domains time as a Federation vessel and attempted to call a temporary ceasefire between both clashing forces, allowing for the remaining Cascadian Marines to evacuate. However, Crystal Kingdom denies the request made by Woodward and orders the continued hostilities against the remaining Cascadians. K-9 proceeds with the order and finishes off the remaining invaders and their surface fleet. The remaining Vessels retreat back to Cascadia whilst being pursued by Several Peacekeeper Squadrons, marking the end of the Invasion of Magadan. Despite the rebel invasion resulting a total victory for the Federation, Division K-9 was tasked by Crystal Kingdom to remain on alert to hunt down the now rogue General Faust, who abandoned her own Countrymen and fled back into Magadane Territory during the retreat to enact one last desperate attack.[5]

Two days later, Division K-9 was deployed to the Arctic Circle to prevent Faust from destroying Base Station Zero, Magadan and possibly the Federation as a whole by cutting off the Ring of Fire from the Pacific Federation. As K-9 makes their approach, they are intercepted by Mercenary Aces who continue to follow Faust. As K-9 mop up the Aces, General Faust makes her appearance, along with the Cascadian White Fleet. K-9 engages Faust and her Fleet, resulting hectic fight in the skies above Arctic. As K-9 takes down the escorting airships and begins attacking the CDV Roosevelt, the CIF Ace Squadron, Orion, arrives to assist the now agitated General. As the Cascadian Aces are shot down, the CDV Roosevelt begins to show signs of damage from K-9's relentless attacks, angering Faust further. Faust begins speaking about how Cascadia is the future for mankind, but is shot down by the now tired and exhausted members of K-9 arguing how her plan are down right insane and the many lives she displaced. Driver strikes the final blow against the Roosevelt, causing the airship's engines to go critical. As Faust make a short final speech regarding the Mercenaries and Oceania to K-9, the Roosevelt's Cordium Engines detonate. The explosion kills all on board, including Faust, leaving only large pieces of debris falling from the sky. As the battle ends, the members of K-9 are in relief and await the order to return home.[6]

However, as Vita orders K-9 to remain on station, the pilots HUDs begin to distort and above, missiles fly over head. Unbeknownst to the Reservist, Calamity would strike again and a Deal would be made...


Division K-9's designation is strikingly similar to the word 'Canine', the Scientific Term for dogs and animals related to dogs, and basically one-to-one with Police Dog Units, 'K-9 Units'. This is also referenced in Frontline-59's mission Mousetrap where Cascadian Marines take notice to K-9's Tails only to see 'K-9' in place of any emblems and refer the Unit as "Federation Dogs".
