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"Engage until enemy is no factor, no one invades the Federation."
― Flowers during the climax of Mission Kaibir-59[1]

Captain Flowers was a Federation Ground Forces company commander. He led to victory Federation forces in the final battle of the Cascadian Conflict's Magadan Invasion and went on tour to Cascadia to fight directly in the war.[1]

Flowers was killed attempting to prevent the Prospero Disaster from happening.[2]


Pushing the CIF off Magadan

On May 31, AC 432 at Point Refuge during Mission Kaibir-59, Flowers commenced operation and accounted for all Brock elements, partly for preparations for engagements on the Cascadian mainland itself. Having heard of Air Reserve Division K-9's high-profile exploits, he counted on them to eradicate the Cascadian Independence Force invaders.

Flowers kept K-9 and other far support on tap and mind for all Brock elements and coordinated with AWACS Vita and FG joint terminal attack controllers to designate as many CIF Marines as possible for a warmup before the real deployment. He had Brock Gamma as QRF backup and sent them in to reinforce a beleaguered Brock Echo, who he ordered to hold in place along with Brock Hotel to supplant them; Brock India and Juliet, way out in Highway 1, were ordered to stand by.

The battle continued, and when Federation Peacekeepers requested direct battlefield intervention, he had his radio telephone operator to order them to remain in their grid, perhaps to watch out for the surviving rebel invasion fleet, but allowed Crimson Team to blow through the international dateline to attack. The Captain bore pressure through mounting casualties and unexploded ordinance and mines, and when the Marines became encircled, he ordered attack dogs and hunds released and sicced on them, causing chaos within the retreat.

Fighting grounded to a brief halt when Captain Woodward, the tentative rebel retreat commander (after General Faust going AWOL), put out communications requesting for a temporary ceasefire to allow the Marines' evacuation to mainland Cascadia. A curt Flowers stated the war would continue disregarding the outcome of that prospect, though he had his RTO transmit to Federation High Command for an upper-echelon acknowledgement anyway. When HIGHCOMM rejected the plea, Flowers ordered continuation of hostilities and the appalled Woodward's flagship CIFS Eminent Domain (formerly FNS Jerusalem)'s comm codes borked, then put his forces - starting with K-9 - to the task of wiping out the rebels utterly, which they swiftly executed.

Once the invasion was over, he praised air support for their part and ordered post-battle cleanup, then boarded along with other elements transport ships to mainland Cascadia, arriving within a solid day.[1]

Shipping to Cascadia and death

"Identify yourself!"
"I'm the Commander of the Peacekeepers in Cascadia, you'd be well to let us proceed."
"Stand down, I won't let you carry out these orders!"
"Captain Flowers - that's your name, right? - if we don't show the rebels absolute terror, we will lose this war, step aside."
"Over my dead body, I won't be the officer responsible for making this call!"
"Stand down, Captain!"
"You're gonna have to kill me! [
sound of five gunshots]"
― Flowers' fatal fateful exchange[2]

Another 24 hours after Flowers landed in Cascadia, the CIF moved in to Prospero to liberate the trade city. He and the Cascadian Peacekeeper Commander, who requested being let through, had a brief encounter which devolved into a standoff. Flowers, despite being a junior officer, this time refused to allow the Commander to proceed; Flowers knew doing otherwise would make himself accountable for the mass destruction that would follow. He was shot dead by the Peacekeeper for obstructing him.[2]


" what needs to be done."
― Captain Flowers ordering K-9 to completely annihilate the CIF invasion, the reservists in unison obeyance[1]

Flowers was a conscientious officer who chose death over responsibility for carrying out an atrocity like the Cascadian Calamity Event, which would happen beyond his control.[2] He was an efficient no-nonsense officer who would issue to-the-point orders and radio chatter; high enemy casualties did not fizzle him.

He was also a warfare pragmatist who foresaw the futility of retreating under the heat of battle and did not flinch on pain of battlefield hazards, also emphasizing battle results through practice. Those who made unnecessary noise, he would discipline, and those who fulfilled their duty, he would appreciate.[1]


Captain Flowers is named after Dick Flowers, one of the Kickstarter backers.[3]
